The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #134 (409 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Schick M adjustable injector, Schick Twin blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, CBL SIR Fougere tonsorial soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and Florida Water to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 59:

Yep...half way there for the week.

As much as I love using my favorite DEs and ACs, I think if I had started with injectors like the Schick M, I’d have never bothered to branch out! They’re just so good!

The MIL is coming today for a visit with some of the grandchildren/my kids’ cousins who live with her, for a visit. Hopefully the kids can contain themselves a bit.

Weather has been fantastic this week so far. Overcast with a couple light showers, 70s and low 80s at the most...wonderful.

Normal Wednesday evening Zoom meetings later I think.

Have a great Wednesday all!
New blade or new life in the blade? Have a good day Chris
The Twin sitting in the M is fine so’s the regular Schick in the L that needs changing.

Sort of speaking of...anyone reading found a good way to clean their injectors thoroughly without removing the blade? I’ve got some green funk building up on the underside of the head, behind the blade.
If you see gunk you can clean it with a blade in it. Shouldn't need anything more than that. Here's this from another neighborhood

"I agree that thorough rinsing an injector with hot water after shaving is good enough for ED cleaning. When I am ready to change the blade, I soak the razor in spray bathroom cleaner (I use Lysol, many other use Scrubbing Bubbles) then use a toothbrush to thoroughly clean the nooks and crannies...really shines it up! I don't disinfect...I figure the bathroom spray cleaner does that.

I also have an E-2 that is designed to open. And when I do that as part of the blade-change/clean routine, I see some whisker bits on the blade. I'm sure they're there for my other older injector (G-1), but I suspect that they come out with the old blade when a new one is injected"
Shave #135 (409 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Schick M adjustable injector, Schick Twin blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ brown synth brush, CBL Grassroots Lavender soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and Perry Ellis Oud Saffron Rose Absolute to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 60:


Showered, shaved...and back to the business of pretending life is SIP normal.

Nice semi-cool temps, slightly kind of day!

Looking forward to my couple incoming Cadre deliveries.

Have a great Thursday all!
Shave #136 (409 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Schick L injector, Supply/Personna blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ brown synth brush, Zingari The Healers soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and unmarked limey sample to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 61:


Apparently a couple of hours away from us at about 4am this morning, a sizable quake rocked the NV/CA line. Folks reported feeling tremors...I don’t think I even woke up.

Knocked out the first half of the day - work, school for the kids, and some yard work. Cleaned up my injectors with some warm water and Dawn...the Scrubbing Bubbles is had bought a while back for razor cleaning evidently got used for actual bathroom cleaning inadvertently. It’s alright though, the combo did the trick pretty well. Was hoping the mail man would deliver a bit early but no dice. So I cleaned up and went in for the shave.

Today was my first use of a Zingari soap and after seeing it’s fever spread through TSC faster than a CA wildfire at the end of summer, I was excited to have a tub from my Bingo winnings! Zero disappointment, it lived up to the hype. I loaded with my current favorite brush, the Yaqi Rainbow w/ brown synth knot, just damp, about 10 seconds...and I have the feeling I could have stopped at 5. The Zingari base is pretty darn soft, probably a tad harder than a block of Philly Cream Cheese. The fun fruity scent of The Healers was noticeable throughout the shave. Lather worked up very quickly - nice, yogurty, thick and slick, with a very wide water band, and plenty of residual with a splash of water. Heather has a really good thing going here!

My razor for the shave was the Schick L with a fresh Personna blade loaded. I’ve got a number of these blades left over from my brief time owning a Supply injector. The Supply/Personna combo was less than stellar, but the Schick at least makes the blade usable. The Personna are not as sharp or smooth as Schick blades, so they will be used and not restocked. In terms of injector blades, I’ll be a Schick man from here on out.

Glad to have the yard work out of the way. We’re supposed to have some slightly stormy weather this weekend, I hop it holds...we need it.

The unmarked limey juice I put on after the shave smelled like it had some vetiver in it in the bottle, but man did that pack a punch. I didn’t know if it was more of an AS or a frag, so I used it generously. My face had no outward signs but my skin had a heavy burn for about 5 minutes before it subsided. The scent is very like Pinaud Citrus Musk but way more projection and more lime. So I’m inadvertently rocking it today lol...thank goodness is very non-offensive, and smells good!

Have a great Friday all!