Shave #123 (409 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, Yaqi Rainbow w/ brown synth brush, CBL Balsamic Oud soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and M&L Florida Water to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 48:
Another whopper of a day...and it’s barely half over!
Kids woke up a bit early, as they, for whatever reason, often do on weekends, as much as they complain during the week about sleep. The missus then got up, since she wanted to make some baked goods for everyone’s I ended up getting up too, just to have coffee and make sure things were ready for the vet’s.
Headed out to the vets with the oldest for the appointment for both doggies. 2-ish hours and $650 later, here’s the diagnosis: dachshund is healed up pretty well and her stitches are out, though she does have to keep covered with the cone just for a few more days to be safe; the shepherd has a host of allergies that seem to be feeding off the other in a cycle, so she’s got about 4 meds to take over the next few weeks to hopefully get her back on track and feeling better.
Came home, applied some weed/grass killer along the worst parts of the sidewalks and fence line.
Finally got around to the shave. Definitely wanted to give the Florida Water a fair trial, so I used the fresh, mostly scent neutral CBL Balsamic Oud. Three light passes with the Vector and I’m mostly BBS with a couple DFS spots I didn’t bother to clean up since it’s later in the day (more for tomorrow!). Then came the post shave regimen and the FW! Alcohol hit is not too bad, not any worse than Pinaud or Fine the smell! I get a lot of lemon/citrus and cinnamon up front, drying down to more a light cinnamon and clove. I’d call it a cousin to the Bay Rum scent family. A very nice budget scent overall. Could probably be used to spruce up a generic witch hazel/aloe blend just as much as it’s nice by itself.
I’ll definitely be looking into one of those mega bottles to play with once this is gone and my Thayer’s Medicated is done. I’ve saved a couple nice glass bottles for various mixes I’ve been considering, one of which will be be a witch hazel/aloe blend very likely with some of this added.
Have a great Saturday all!