Shave #120 (409 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, Proraso Red soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Proraso Red AS, and Guerlain Santal Royale clone oil to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 45:
Today is the middle son’s birthday. Up a little early to help the missus get some things ready. During a specific time of the day, we’re asking his friends to drive by, wish him a happy birthday, so their favorite Fortnite dance, grab a “Chug Jug” (a Gatorade bottle that’s been made to look like a game item) and be on their way.
Also helped the missus with the garden a little yesterday and today. She’s finally decided to tackle it after letting it lapse a couple years.
Decided to go sandalwood for the shave, bringing out my Proraso Red combo. Used the Vector without the o-ring did feel a little smoother than yesterday admittedly. Going to try tomorrow with the o-ring again.
Also decided to use my clone oil of Guerlain Santal Royale...the minute I smelled it, a long time shave circle was completed! A while ago, when I got back into traditional shaving after a year or more off, RR Santal Royale was one of the soaps I picked up. I never knew where the scent had come from, so had no reference for it, other than that I knew I liked it because of RR’s clone soap. I now know that the scent came from Guerlain, without a doubt!
Having a little more of a lax day, since it’s middle son’s birthday. After schoolwork, they get a healthy chunk of game time while waiting for the friends to drive by. Tonight is small group/youth group Zoom calls and a specially requested dinner from Panda Express.
Have a great Wednesday all!