The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Interesting that Mama Noir is incensed about the Chip, but not about the HK. Or is that another verboten subject? (Not trying to stir things up. :p)
Interesting that Mama Noir is incensed about the Chip, but not about the HK. Or is that another verboten subject? (Not trying to stir things up. :p)
It’s a valid question. I’ve been working on her for years about a handgun. She finally got juuuuust comfortable enough with the idea to say OK.
Shave #120 (409 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, Proraso Red soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Proraso Red AS, and Guerlain Santal Royale clone oil to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 45:

Today is the middle son’s birthday. Up a little early to help the missus get some things ready. During a specific time of the day, we’re asking his friends to drive by, wish him a happy birthday, so their favorite Fortnite dance, grab a “Chug Jug” (a Gatorade bottle that’s been made to look like a game item) and be on their way.

Also helped the missus with the garden a little yesterday and today. She’s finally decided to tackle it after letting it lapse a couple years.

Decided to go sandalwood for the shave, bringing out my Proraso Red combo. Used the Vector without the o-ring did feel a little smoother than yesterday admittedly. Going to try tomorrow with the o-ring again.

Also decided to use my clone oil of Guerlain Santal Royale...the minute I smelled it, a long time shave circle was completed! A while ago, when I got back into traditional shaving after a year or more off, RR Santal Royale was one of the soaps I picked up. I never knew where the scent had come from, so had no reference for it, other than that I knew I liked it because of RR’s clone soap. I now know that the scent came from Guerlain, without a doubt!

Having a little more of a lax day, since it’s middle son’s birthday. After schoolwork, they get a healthy chunk of game time while waiting for the friends to drive by. Tonight is small group/youth group Zoom calls and a specially requested dinner from Panda Express.

Have a great Wednesday all!
Classic red Proraso. If it weren't such a drying soap I would use it so much more. Happy birthday to MiddleNoir!
Classic red Proraso. If it weren't such a drying soap I would use it so much more. Happy birthday to MiddleNoir!
Thanks Ben!

I do love the scent, even if the lather is just barely up to par. I seem to have better luck with it than most I guess, I feel it’s even OK for SR shaving; must be my water.
Shave #121 (409 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Blackland Vector, Feather Pro blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, Proraso Green soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Barbasol PR AS, and Royall Rugby to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 46:

Busy morning! Woke up a bit early and knocked out a few hours of yard work, including clearing some more of the garden and picking up a large garbage can of wood chips to lay down. My allergies are feelin it!

Showered after and did a shave. Decided to have the first Proraso Green shave of the season, with it’s nice, cooling menthol. Followed up with Barby PR and Royall Rugby (which is a fantastic body cologne smells familiar, but I can’t quite place it...nice Vetiver base though!). I put the o-ring back on the Vector today and there was a notable step up in aggression and less smoothness than normal. It’s hard to describe, but it seems the ring definitely affects the shave somehow. It was a nice idea, but I’ll not be using one on my Vector again.

Should be a chill rest of the day for the most part. Some more virtual training to do...not sure what else.

Have a great Thursday all!
Rubber o-ring ? They can have flex. I use a hard plastic washer. 100 for a buck from China and no way can it affect the shave as if it tightens the head, the gap etc is the same.
Rubber o-ring ? They can have flex. I use a hard plastic washer. 100 for a buck from China and no way can it affect the shave as if it tightens the head, the gap etc is the same.
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Yea, I tighten it pretty good, but it must still have flex. I’ll have to go back out hunting again and look. Just picked up some when I was out last at Home Depot.
It’s a valid question. I’ve been working on her for years about a handgun. She finally got juuuuust comfortable enough with the idea to say OK.
Well my wife likes shooting too, so every time I buy a gun I have to buy two of them. One for me, one for her.