Shave #117 (408 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Weck Med Prep Sextoblade, Personna HS blade, RR GC .68, Gillette Platinum blade, Yaqi SF synth brush, CBL Oud Minerale soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Lucky Tiger, and TF Oud Minerale to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 42:
Nice lazy wake up, followed by a light breakfast and church!
Brought out the Weck yet again. Oud Minerale ended up sounding nice, plus I have a tub of Agarwood Minerale waiting in the wings, so I can use it a bit more fact it occurs to me now that I should just spread out the old one (premium base) over the newer version (tonsorial I think). Anyway, shave was great. I think I’m going to put the Feather Pro that was in my Feather SS into the Vector to use for a while, at least for cleanups; I miss it!
Ended up going out for a couple hours yesterday. Most of the time was spent driving, looking for a good spot to walk around a bit. When we finally settled on a spot, the actual walking was probably only 30-45 minutes, then the kids started it was back to the car and a quick bite at In-N-Out before heading home. We tried
Nothing major on the docket today. The missus has some final papers to finish up for school so she can have this week off, before the new semester starts. The kids are writing a couple letters to family, having some game time, and then it’s up to them to keep themselves occupied. Dinner later and the last movie in our Harry Potter marathon we’ve been doing evenings. Homemade Oatmeal Cream Pies for dessert!
Have a blessed Sunday all!