The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

If you have to do something...

Shave #104 (400 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Gillette NEW LC, Shark blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, CBL Balsamic Oud soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and Guerlain frag to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 29:

Shave #104 (400 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: Gillette NEW LC, Shark blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, CBL Balsamic Oud soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, and Guerlain frag to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 29:

The NEW LC is a magnificent razor! It's one of my favorites.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
The NEW LC is a magnificent razor! It's one of my favorites.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
As far as OCs go it is fairly mild, but I seem to go in spurts of good shave and then so-so shaves with OCs. Today’s shave was pretty good!
Shave #105 (400 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .84 OC, Shark blade, Yaqi SF synth brush, CBL Money tonsorial soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Pinaud Citrus Musk, and PR 1 Million to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 30:

Up a bit early to help facilitate some Google class meetings for the kids, have to look presentable still though!

Shower n shave before the meetings. Brought the GC .84 OC back out again since my NEW shave yesterday went decently. Not a bad shave this time with the normal Tuesday “fresh” combo. I think it’s the ATG with the OCs that’s killing things. I probably need to do WTG/XTG/reverse XTG...those passes are much more smooth.

Learning some new things with my Fenix 5x watch, mainly that I don’t really like my stock watch faces, but the battery drain on those faces is a lot less than many of the user-made faces available in the Garmin shop. I need to find ones I can be happy with, that remain as close to that limited battery drain as possible. Some folks use a bloated code that isn't as efficient as it could be, but you really don’t know unless someone reviews the face or you try it yourself. That said, my current charge has lasted me nearly a week and a half so far...which is killer for a multi-sport GPS watch...well killer for any smart-ish watch in general too! This is one of those times I wish I knew a little more about programming, so I could make exactly what I’m looking for.

Probably going to record another segment of my new series later and see how that goes over.

Have a great Tuesday all!
Shave #106 (400 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Shark blade, Stirling 2-band synth brush, Stirling Agar soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, Lucky Tiger, and Perry Ellis Oud Saffron Rose Absolute to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 31:

Up a bit early for a shave and to get the kids kicked off on school for the day since they were already up n about.

Put away the OCs for now. I’m going to have some hard choices later on whether or not I want to keep them or try and get them traded for something more consistently enjoyable. Brought the GC .68 back out for a nice, fairly smooth shave...I think the blade might take a shave or two to adjust to the .68 angle...or it might be shot already...

Decided to go for Agar so I had something decent to pair with the PE Saffron Rose sample I got from Chris. It’s a really nice, relaxed scent, softer but still masculine. The sweet floral of the rose is in the front, slightly perfumey without being cloying, with a slightly darker saffron backdrop. If there are other notes, they’re well mixed to me.

Going to try and make something of date morning here in a bit. Also our stimulus came finally! Later this evening are Zoom calls with small groups and youth groups.

Have a great Wednesday all!
“Cloying”. Had to google that one. :oops:
I’ve been known to pretend to be edumacated now and then :ROFLMAO:
That's a win for me too, though if I need to comb my hair it's time for the clippers. ;)
Yea, I’ve got some straight poofball Asian hair when its not grown out. I have to keep it super short on what’s not already grown out or it just looks silly.
Shave #107 (400 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:

Gear: RR GC .68, Shark blade, RR Big Bruce synth brush, LNHC Barber Shoppe soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, LNHC Barber Shoppe post shave elixir, and Kilian Intoxicated to finish!

Corona Virus Official Day 32:

Woke up this morning, helped get the kids started on school work, took a peek outside when I let the dogs out for their morning oblations...darn it.

A couple hours later, once the yard work was done, rehydrated and did my shower/shave. Knew I wanted to use Barber Shoppe, so ran the gambit of Christmas samples and ended up choosing a clone oil of Kilian Intoxicated which seemed to decently match the brighter powder qualities of Lisa’s soap scent. From the notes for the actual frag, I can slightly detect some of the nutmeg, a creamy coffee, and a sweet powder. It’s supposed to be a unisex frag, but it does edge more toward masculine to me. I’m liking the combo today!

Off to do some theological work and ruminate on my FSC test tomorrow.

Have a great Thursday all!