Yea buddy!Science !!!!!!
I had a similar experience with Barber Shoppe and the 2nd Anniversary brush... I’m going to give it another shot with a familiar soap, but it might just be a decorative pieceShave #100 (400 Open Blade Shaves) of 2020:
Gear: Gillette NEW LC, Shark blade, TSC 2nd Anniversary synth brush, LNHC Barber Shoppe soap, generic witch hazel, Thayer’s Medicated, LNHC Barber Shoppe post shave elixir, and Dolce & Gabbana K to finish!
Corona Virus Official Day 25:
Holy smokes...we’re almost 1/3 of the way into this bad boy? WTH?
Made two mistakes today for the shave - first was going OC again after yesterday’s rough shave, second was trying the 2nd Anniversary brush...yep. Shave was salvaged by Lisa’s post shave elixir, great stuff it seems, as was the scent and slickness of the soap. The scent is hard to describe...just ultra fresh, a close cousin of CBL Money, but brighter. Going to have to revisit it soon with a better brush for the full experience! Next few shaves may need to be with the Jectah.
Trying to find a place locally that is still doing handgun safety courses and FSC testing, but it may well be untenable right now. Most places are allowing purchases but nothing else because of the grey area of social distancing protocols and essential business definitions. That really stinks. Hoping I can find an exception soon.
Have a great Thursday all!
Yea, Lisa’s can take a lot of water but for voluminous lather it can also take a lot of work. I usually end up working it to the snot phase and leaving as is...still excellent lol.I had a similar experience with Barber Shoppe and the 2nd Anniversary brush... I’m going to give it another shot with a familiar soap, but it might just be a decorative pieceoh well. As for the soap, I’ve used it two more times since. I really like the scent and it has great residual slickness and post shave. But man am I having a hard time getting it to lather like I want on my face. I struggle to get the water to soap ratio correct and I seem to just make a mess. The lather otherwise produced a good shave, it’s just different than how I “want” it to be. The post shave elixir is legit!!
Thanks Pat! I don’t mind lighter scents any time of year personally. It’s the very heavy ones or thicker balms that I might reserve for just cooler days.Nice shave Chris! I liked the soap scent as a summer soap. I thought it would have been a little darker with the leather in it. Still a nice summer soap.
Great start to a great day!
Thanks gentlemen!Awesome post Chris! Happy Easter to you and your family!