The Shaving Cadre

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Home repair

You should be able to make adjustments. BUT while doing it I would recommend setting up a camera and recording it. Because if it goes south I want to watch.
My 2 cents, This may sound more complicated than it really is, but it worked as we had the same issue,
1 hand truck
1 piece of double stick tape
1 phone with level program
wood or phone books ( something wide)
Towel to cover wood or phone books to prevent scratching

Find the exact middle of the door and place the wood, or whatever material on handtruck and place in front. tape level or phone level in exact middle as well. Loosen ALL hinge screws only a 1/4 turn at a time until just loose enough to move the door into place. Put your lift in place and adjust to level and re tighten screws 1/4 tune at a time to maintain level.

Anyway good luck
Man you just took me back to the 90's and Bob Saget! Is it even on air anymore?!
I think Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air (not sure how real name) does it now.

tape level or phone level in exact middle as well. Loosen ALL hinge screws only a 1/4 turn at a time until just loose enough to move the door into place. Put your lift in place and adjust to level and re tighten screws 1/4 tune at a time to maintain level.
I will add one thing to this. Check the level of the reference surface first. True level matters less than keeping the reveal even. That is much more noticable.
Well, I’m thinking level smevel because it need a consistent gap between the door and the glass wall to close correctly. Whatever makes the gap even is where it will be.