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Home repair


“Stefan’s Glitterbomb King”
First Responder
Amyone know how you remove numbers like these from the house?
Here, hold my beer. I got this!

Actually, after considering the damage I might do to the outside of the house and that they are decent numbers in a good spot, I decided I'll just tape them all up and paint behind them. Still a pain, but less of a pain than dealing with a messed up wall.
Here, hold my beer. I got this!

Actually, after considering the damage I might do to the outside of the house and that they are decent numbers in a good spot, I decided I'll just tape them all up and paint behind them. Still a pain, but less of a pain than dealing with a messed up wall.

Good call, I was picturing you pulling it and the silicone taking half the wall out
Since he’s painting the house, if that happened he could duct tape over the hole & paint the duct tape! Problem solved!
Actually I picture Dave doing a top notch quality job. He no doubt would have filled the hole with spray foam prior to the duct tape and paint. Pic of how it turns out Dave
Side note: See that white stuff on the numbers? We have a big metal gate on the front of the house that's the same way. Had an iron gate guy come out to give an estimate of refinishing it. $2800!!! Apparently the white stuff is salt from the air. We're just over the hill and the San Andreas fault from the ocean and get the San Francisco fog blowing though. For $2800, I think I'll live with the uneven surface and just spray paint black rustoleum on top of it and let it slowly rust for another 10 years.
Side note: See that white stuff on the numbers? We have a big metal gate on the front of the house that's the same way. Had an iron gate guy come out to give an estimate of refinishing it. $2800!!! Apparently the white stuff is salt from the air. We're just over the hill and the San Andreas fault from the ocean and get the San Francisco fog blowing though. For $2800, I think I'll live with the uneven surface and just spray paint black rustoleum on top of it and let it slowly rust for another 10 years.
WOW !! Did you tell him you wanted a price for refinishing and NOT replacing
Side note: See that white stuff on the numbers? We have a big metal gate on the front of the house that's the same way. Had an iron gate guy come out to give an estimate of refinishing it. $2800!!! Apparently the white stuff is salt from the air. We're just over the hill and the San Andreas fault from the ocean and get the San Francisco fog blowing though. For $2800, I think I'll live with the uneven surface and just spray paint black rustoleum on top of it and let it slowly rust for another 10 years.

Yep, I probably woulda just said “Well, you know, it just adds to the house’s character anyway, forget about it.”
Question for those who might have dealt with this decision. I've been meaning to get a safety deposit box for some time now. Of the 2 banks closest to us that I would use. One has none available and the other only has larger boxes, the size you could put papers in without folding them. The lager box is either $140 or $150/year. I forget which. My wife thinks that's too much to pay for just a box to hold stuff and we don't need the larger size. So we would have to start looking farther away, which affects convenience.

So that makes me think of home safes. There is the convenience of being able to access what's in there all the time. For example, my wife wouldn't put the passports in a safety deposit box because they aren't available 24/7. But I have also read things about home safes not really being that secure against break in. You would have to bolt them to the ground to keep someone from just taking the whole thing. I'll spend a few hundred $, but even with that I see the fire proof ones are only rated for 1hr. Space is a real issue as well. We're talking nothing larger than a 2 cubic foot safe, and even that will be a pain.

Any of you choose one over the other?
Question for those who might have dealt with this decision. I've been meaning to get a safety deposit box for some time now. Of the 2 banks closest to us that I would use. One has none available and the other only has larger boxes, the size you could put papers in without folding them. The lager box is either $140 or $150/year. I forget which. My wife thinks that's too much to pay for just a box to hold stuff and we don't need the larger size. So we would have to start looking farther away, which affects convenience.

So that makes me think of home safes. There is the convenience of being able to access what's in there all the time. For example, my wife wouldn't put the passports in a safety deposit box because they aren't available 24/7. But I have also read things about home safes not really being that secure against break in. You would have to bolt them to the ground to keep someone from just taking the whole thing. I'll spend a few hundred $, but even with that I see the fire proof ones are only rated for 1hr. Space is a real issue as well. We're talking nothing larger than a 2 cubic foot safe, and even that will be a pain.

Any of you choose one over the other?

I have a small home safe at home that houses important documents, this is for those situations where we might need to grab it and go! You can find some that withstand fire and water longer than just an hour. I think ours is rated for 4 hours of direct heat I believe. It is hidden in a closet NOT bolted to the ground. I also have a gun safe that houses guns (obviously) but also some other documents that are NOT necessarily needed in a quick escape, and parts of my coin collection. In there are pictures etc. This safe was basically promised that it would be standing if the whole house burned down. It is bolted into the ground and not accessible. I also have a small safety deposit box that houses some of the more expensive coins in my collection.

But the truth is YES those small fireproof safe boxes are easily broken into as seen on YouTube videos, but that is why I don't keep cash or anything in it. Just important documents. Just keep it well hidden where you and your wife know where it is so if needed it is something either of you could grab in an emergency.
I just have 2 fire safes. One small one and one file size.(Neither bolted down) I figured the maximum heat wouldn't be at the level for more then an hour. I've been known to be wrong too............
The lager box is either $140 or $150/year. I forget which. My wife thinks that's too much to pay for just a box to hold stuff and we don't need the larger size. So we would have to start looking farther away, which affects convenience.

Inflation in CA must really be a bear. I have the biggest box my bank has and it is $33.00 per year.
The lager box is either $140 or $150/year. I forget which.

That must be some good lager! Do you have to be present for deliveries?

I’m one in favor of keeping important things on premises. The inconvenience of having to go to another location to retrieve or take account of what’s there is too great for me.
I keep my important documents, SS card, passport, car titles, birth certificates, etc. in a safe deposit box. I don't need access to them regularly & I want them offsite protected.