The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hi. I'm FarmerTan

Hey @FarmerTan . So glad you made it over to our little neck of the woods. Yea @Spider !

Welcome aboard.
I can't remember which one of these fellers is me!
Howdy and welcome! Farmer tan huh? We call you Stripes?
I know you were a nurse, and I think I've seen ACT before... But I never knew what it meant.
Assertive Community Treatment. Basically bringing mental health services to the patient, wherever that may be.

Jail, hospital, store, home.... wherever. The places I've been.... I've had cops tell me I've been places they wouldn't go, and they have guns, lol.

I miss it every day. Mostly!
Assertive Community Treatment. Basically bringing mental health services to the patient, wherever that may be.

Jail, hospital, store, home.... wherever. The places I've been.... I've had cops tell me I've been places they wouldn't go, and they have guns, lol.

I miss it every day. Mostly!
Wow. Hats off to you. That sounds like a tough gig.

Sorry @dangerousdon we may need to take your title for Dave here... Though, a Dangerous-Farmer-Tan sounds painful. Lol.
Assertive Community Treatment. Basically bringing mental health services to the patient, wherever that may be.

Jail, hospital, store, home.... wherever. The places I've been.... I've had cops tell me I've been places they wouldn't go, and they have guns, lol.

I miss it every day. Mostly!
I work in addiction recovery, and have met a few people who do something very similar.
Wow. Hats off to you. That sounds like a tough gig.

Sorry @dangerousdon we may need to take your title for Dave here... Though, a Dangerous-Farmer-Tan sounds painful. Lol.
It was dangerous. On two occasions my stupidity should have gotten me killed. Maybe 3 times.

But honestly, I was REALLY too stoopid to know I was in danger until sometime later.

I hope I'm not breaking any rules here at TSC, but I'm a "follower of the Way" and have no doubt that He protects the stoopid folk from themselves.