The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from NY

Whoa! Now that's an introduction! I'm a little late to the party but Welcome to TSC @Dragonsbeard ! I look forward to your conversations here at The Shaving Cadre and look forward to learning more about your business!
Great read Frank! Great to learn more about you and your passion. You’ve got a ton of experience under your belt! Can’t see how that wouldn’t benefit anyone that enjoys (or maybe even doesn’t enjoy) taking care of themselves!
Thank you for the kind and encouraging words!

Thanks for the background, Frank!

An Thank you sir!
We're practically neighbors! Now I have to try your soap!!

Where abouts are you located?

Welcome to The Cadre. Enjoy your shaves!

Thank you and glad to be on here!
Whoa! Now that's an introduction! I'm a little late to the party but Welcome to TSC @Dragonsbeard ! I look forward to your conversations here at The Shaving Cadre and look forward to learning more about your business!

Thank you sir and as soon as I can get my website up there will be a lot of info on it.
Albany, NY here...

Let's get that site up @Dragonsbeard ! I could drive to your storefront (if you have one), but that's a 3½ hour drive. I'd rather click and ship.

Working on it and should be up in about 2 weeks or so based on the feedback my webmaster and graphic designer are saying..keeping my fingers crossed.
Sounds like I might need to make another day trip after the weather breaks....

Your welcome any time.. just give me a heads up!
Welcome to TSC Frank! Glad you came over and it sounds like you bring a lot of knowledge and well.......soap! You can't find a better group here at the Cadre. If you read through the shave journals you can get a better idea who we all are. I'm a fellow NY member too. I'm down toward Binghamton though. I look forward to seeing you jump in the discussions and threads.
Welcome to TSC Frank! Glad you came over and it sounds like you bring a lot of knowledge and well.......soap! You can't find a better group here at the Cadre. If you read through the shave journals you can get a better idea who we all are. I'm a fellow NY member too. I'm down toward Binghamton though. I look forward to seeing you jump in the discussions and threads.

Thank you and your from Binghamton. I've driven through there many times on my way to NYC or South. I've got to scroll around and get used to the site this weekend to try and get acquainted with how the site is set up..

Just outside of Ithaca.
A bunch of us closer than I thought. I'm in PA but just across the border from Olean NY. I work in Ellicottvile.
Thanks for the welcome gents and Yes a few of us are all pretty close to each other geographiley.

Welcome to our mania Frank! We can be almost aggressively friendly but don’t hold that against us.

LOL that's a good thing in this world today.. I like the term " Aggressively friendly " and I might have to borrow it. (y)
Welcome to the Cadre, Frank! We're always looking for new ways to be enabled, and I'm looking forward to trying some of your products as they become available.
Welcome to the Cadre, Frank! We're always looking for new ways to be enabled, and I'm looking forward to trying some of your products as they become available.
Thank you sir! I’m glad to be a member and just have to find my way around and read all the rules which I’ll do this weekend when I have some free time.
:) (y)