Sorry long post.
Yesterday my wife had an elective weight loss surgery. My day started at 0430. Everything went well, according to the surgeon. It wasn’t until after 1400hrs when she got up to her room. And I got to see her.
Well things got interesting after that.
While my wife is doing ok. Apparently me and hospital rules are incompatible.
Last night it was announced that visiting hours were ending at 1800hrs. I ignored that and stayed till 2330. I left when my wife was ok being without me. Not their decision to make.
On the way out I figured I’d just ask when I could come back in the morning. I was told 11am. When I asked why so late? I was told that’s just the “policy”.
This morning I showed up at 0930 figuring I’d try to get them to let me in a little early. Only to be told by the Queen Latiffa impersonating security girl. “You ain’t allowed up in da rooms befo 2pm.”
Besides being grammatically incorrect on many levels. She was also sadly mistaken on my “policy” for taking care of my wife.
This is where things got interesting. As any of you know all modern hospitals have RFID chip controlled doors. So to gain access to the area where. My wife’s room is you would think I would need to be “allowed” in. But you would on this occasion be Wrong! Yesterday while making a journey through the labyrinth of halls and elevators to get to the cafeteria. I used an elevator that had doors on both sides of it. One set opened to the public hallway. The other to the interior of the “secured” patient area. That nugget of information. Is what I exploited this morning after my encounter with Ms. Latiffa.
Once I passed through the elevator and got into the patient area. It was just a matter of authoritative presence. To stroll down the hall and into my wife’s room. There are times when policies conflict with your beliefs or duty to care for a loved one. That you should choose disobedience.
I will add to this. That at no time did the CNA’s, nurses or doctors. Express any problems with me being in the room with my wife. Two actually thanked me for being there last night to help her.
As it freed them up to take care of other patients.
Have a good Tuesday guys
Yesterday my wife had an elective weight loss surgery. My day started at 0430. Everything went well, according to the surgeon. It wasn’t until after 1400hrs when she got up to her room. And I got to see her.
Well things got interesting after that.
While my wife is doing ok. Apparently me and hospital rules are incompatible.
Last night it was announced that visiting hours were ending at 1800hrs. I ignored that and stayed till 2330. I left when my wife was ok being without me. Not their decision to make.
On the way out I figured I’d just ask when I could come back in the morning. I was told 11am. When I asked why so late? I was told that’s just the “policy”.
This morning I showed up at 0930 figuring I’d try to get them to let me in a little early. Only to be told by the Queen Latiffa impersonating security girl. “You ain’t allowed up in da rooms befo 2pm.”
Besides being grammatically incorrect on many levels. She was also sadly mistaken on my “policy” for taking care of my wife.
This is where things got interesting. As any of you know all modern hospitals have RFID chip controlled doors. So to gain access to the area where. My wife’s room is you would think I would need to be “allowed” in. But you would on this occasion be Wrong! Yesterday while making a journey through the labyrinth of halls and elevators to get to the cafeteria. I used an elevator that had doors on both sides of it. One set opened to the public hallway. The other to the interior of the “secured” patient area. That nugget of information. Is what I exploited this morning after my encounter with Ms. Latiffa.
Once I passed through the elevator and got into the patient area. It was just a matter of authoritative presence. To stroll down the hall and into my wife’s room. There are times when policies conflict with your beliefs or duty to care for a loved one. That you should choose disobedience.
I will add to this. That at no time did the CNA’s, nurses or doctors. Express any problems with me being in the room with my wife. Two actually thanked me for being there last night to help her.
As it freed them up to take care of other patients.
Have a good Tuesday guys