The Shaving Cadre

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End of 2019 PIF


"TSC's Shave Sales Deal Finder"
So, I said some time ago I wanted to thin my den. I had some items I wanted to clear out, neaten up the den to just the items I'll use. Well, I finally pulled them out, took a lovely family picture, and boxed them nicely.

So here's the deal. This is going to be a bit of a large haul. I am, thus, asking this stay CONUS. This is open you anyone who can post (ie, if you have an account, you should be good). I would like to send it out this coming Monday, so I'll leave the PIF open until 9pm EST Sunday evening (and then draw a random winner). To keep this fun, let's make it a new year theme PIF... to enter simply post "I'm in" followed by what you are most thankful for in 2019.

Now onto the goodies... Attached is a picture of the haul. Included you will find:

A Gillette Superspeed (year?)

A Gillette Aluminum 72 (?) Tech

Two GEM Razors (a 1912 and a Clog Pruf TTO ?).

Around 50 Coated GEM blades

Two Schick Injectors (a type G and L, I think).

A Cartridge with 5 Schick blades left

An Omega Boar brush (unused)

A Yaqi 26mm Rainbow synth

A tub of Blackship Christmas Cannon

A tub of Catie's Bubbles Connecticut Shade

A tub of Mystic Water Ginger Pear

A tub of CBL Balsamic Oud

(All of the soaps have been lightly scooped, at most - never lathered in)

Good luck everyone (and for God sake, enter the damn PIF, lol).
and for God sake, enter the damn PIF, lo
I don’t think you have to worry about that! I’d kill for that L Jectah, Schicks, Yaqi synth, and the CBL!

I’m in!

I’m most thankful for my family and the interview I got to have in MS a couple months ago, even though it didn’t work out.

Statistically sad that #1 doesn’t come up often lol...but here’s hoping! Very generous @mrdoug!
I'm In.. and i'm most thankful for my families health and happiness and my own health and good friends like all you guys..... Thanks for the PIF......i have never tried a clog pruf or most of the soaps or brushes and have been meaning to get some GEM blades so this would be awesome to win......
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This is a very generous PIF!
However, since most of the hardware listed would be doubles (or triples in a couple of cases) to stuff already in my den, I am NOT in. Although, that cased SuperSpeed is really, really tempting and the soaps would be nice to have.

I am most thankful for my family and my friends, both online and offline. I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.
There are a few things in there I'd like to have for sure. So what the heck, I'm in.

I know it sounds like a suck-up tactic, but I'm really thankful for this site and the friends I have made. There is an overwhelming amount of generosity and no matter how hard or stressful it's been, I've got an awesome group of friends here that always have my back. I've even been able to meet a few in person.
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Wow, what a generous PIF. Count me in.
I am most thankful for many things. First and foremost, my wife and family who are the best that I could have ever wished for. Second, this great group that I found that has been a wealth of information about shaving. Finally, I am thankful to be able to teach in one of the greatest small schools in Colorado.
I don’t think you have to worry about that! I’d kill for that L Jectah, Schicks, Yaqi synth, and the CBL!

I’m in!

I’m most thankful for my family and the interview I got to have in MS a couple months ago, even though it didn’t work out.

Statistically sad that #1 doesn’t come up often lol...but here’s hoping! Very generous @mrdoug!
If I win I will rePIF to you the Yaqi, L Jectah, and the Schicks.
This is a very generous PIF!
However, since most of the hardware listed would be doubles (or triples in a couple of cases) to stuff already in my den, I am NOT in. Although, that cased SuperSpeed is really, really tempting and the soaps would be nice to have.

I am most thankful for my family and my friends, both online and offline. I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.
In the picture is very hard to see it, but the top of that Superspeed case is very beaten and battered. Somehow it works perfectly (hinges ok, etc.) So I really question what happened to the case.

Nonetheless, it's not pretty and pristine.
This is an amazing PIF! There are a couple things in there I need...err...want 🤪 but I have been the recipient of so much kindness here on this forum it just wouldn't feel right! This PIF is pretty EPIC!!!
Sounds like the generosity of the Cadre is what you're thankful for? So, I'm reading that your in @dangerousdon ?? Hehe.

BTW, I obviously posted this too late in the evening. I missed that there is a forum dedicated to PIFs. Would a moderator like to move it, or am I ok? Thanks.