The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Down the rabbit hole

I had a very interesting evening shave today, both my children 7 and 5 wanted to watch me shave. They each lathered half my face for me and I proceeded to use my Green shadow honed straight for the first pass. My daughter age 5, loved the sound of the blade cutting hair she said it was so relaxing 🤣. She also loves toast, maybe a correlation 🤔. Not going to lie it was a bit dicey they kept bumping into me and trying to hug me with a blade on my face, i think since I didn't cut myself or knick myself during that, I may have figured out how to shave with a straight😂. My daughter did request for me to finish the shave with my 3ONE6, so I did. I'm really enjoying the Kai blade, I think 4th shave on this blade, I only use the DE for cleanups and the rare shave I don't use a straight, but seems to be holding up well. Shave #49 20250315_192650.jpg
I think by definition scentless would be the lack of evidence
Incorrect, sir. If, as a detective, you walked into a murder room and smelled cigarette smoke, you could conclude that the killer was a smoker. However, if that same detective did NOT smell cigarette smoke, s/he could conclude that the killer was not a smoker. Evidence, science, facts: strikes 1, 2, and 3. 😊
However, if that same detective did NOT smell cigarette smoke, s/he could conclude that the killer was not a smoker, hasn't smoked recently, had been a long time since they were in the room, the room had amazing ventilation, on and on. Basically, it would mean nothing.
I agree.
Well today's straight shave went poorly. I grabbed my Geneva Cutlery the first razor I honed myself. I think it had 3 shaves on the edge, and it wouldn't cut hair, back to the stones it'll go. I suspect that I can just go back to the 6k and work back up, I don't think anything is wrong with the bevel but I will have to check. So I used my 3ONE6 with the kai blade. The kai blade is still amazingly sharp with 6? Shaves on it.
Thursdays shave was good, my Geneva Cutlery that wouldn't shave the other day. I decided to strop the heck out of it, started with paste on newspaper, plain newspaper, denim, flesh side of leather, then smooth newspaper. And it shaved really good. This was my first experience with paste and it find it be a good tool.
Thursdays shave was good, my Geneva Cutlery that wouldn't shave the other day. I decided to strop the heck out of it, started with paste on newspaper, plain newspaper, denim, flesh side of leather, then smooth newspaper. And it shaved really good. This was my first experience with paste and it find it be a good tool.
Correction. I finished on smooth leather
Pasted strops are a great way to maintain a razor between honing sessions - possibly indefinitely. My post shave routine is to dry the blade with 20 strokes on the linen/nylon side of the strop and then move to pasted strops.
i use a couple of 3 x 12" balsa blocks i bought cheaply from Hobby Lobby. One has the green chromium oxide paste on it and the other has diamond paste and i do 30 and 50 laps respectively and then oil the blade and put it away. Strop on smooth leather pre-shave.

Honing is because i want to try a new edge or methodology rather than a necessity because my edges are blunt and won't shave.

Yesterday's shave went well used my Geneva Cutlery that I touched up on paste and it stills shaves good. I may take it back to the stones anyways just to correct whatever is wrong with the edge. But a successful shave for #51 i used a sample of E&S Rasage Moana shave soap and it's a good soap. I found it easy to break but it was slick, I'd say around Stirlings performance but much easier to break compared to stirling. I did bowl lather which I am not the greatest at so take my statement with a grain of salt.
Today's shave was great, took my Geneva Cutlery back to the stones. Built up a good slurry on my black shadow and honed away. I got a great edge, stropped it out and shaved with it this morning. I am finding I prefer the green shadow edge more but the black shadow is definitely a good, comfortable edge. They're stones that I would recommend to someone who wants a new stone to experiment with. Shave #5220250324_195511.jpg