Journal Entry #7
Pre: Hot shower/splash of cool water/Shave Secret oil
Razor: RazoRock Mission
Blade: Gillette 7O'Clock Sharpedge (yellow) (1)
Brush: Vie-Long 12705 Horse Hair
Soap/Cream: Stirling Barbershop sample
AS 1: Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive Post-shave Balm
AS 3: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Fragrance: none
I am BBS- in two passes; and I smell great. I win at shaving today.
Shave Quality
Last night I was feeling the need for something new but good, so I pulled out my last Stirling sample and smashed it into one of my "Ship Grand Turk" Old Spice mugs. This morning loading it with a soaked Vie-Long was a breeze. I loaded it on the lighter side (for me) today, getting just enough suds for about four passes. I think tomorrow I won't soak the brush. Today's lather started off a bit on the wet side, but a little extra time in the bowl and working it on my face was all that was needed for a great lather.
The RR Mission 3-piece razor has a decent blade gap. I haven't measured it, but it is noticable. It paired well with the 7O'Clock Yellow this morning. I went WTG then XTG as usual, making sure to keep the pressure light. Even after two years of this I still have a tendency to press down too much. Today that was not an issue.
Alum-WH-balm-then-splash had me feeling like a million bucks.

The RR Mission is a good razor, like most of the razors that ItalianBarber sells. It would make a good first razor for anyone entering into this hobby. Now that IB offers it with a selection of SS handles at ~$15 it is even more of a steal than when I bought mine.
Stirling Barbershop... I think I am in love. This soap smells fabulous! Pair that with the standard Stirling performance and you've got a winner on your hands. The folks at Stirling not only know how to make a great soap, but they also have great noses for scent creation.
The Aqua Velva Ice Blue (which I have loved for a long time) paried well with the Stirling.
Other Thoughts
I need to take inventory of the den. I am thinking about thinning out the DE herd in order to generate some funds for a Koraat or a Jerry Stark. Not that I really want to sell parts of my collection, but I don't really need 100+ DE razors, and I really want to expand my straight collection.
Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I love reading all your comments, even if I don't respond. I hope you all have a great day.