Yesterday was another 3.25 mile ruck day. Walked on the levee of the Mississippi since it is literally just across the street from where I work. Today will be a lift day though. Plan on tackling my Squat @355, my overhead press at 120 (still in a de-load phase), and 305 for my Dead Lift. With the exception of my Press...these are the heaviest lifts I have ever done. Hoping to accomplish great things today!
On a more Mental note. I was peaking with a health professional that I see from time to time. We were talking about my memory retention in a way. I mentioned that I started listening to some non-fiction books on my to and fro work travels. I mentioned that I was actually retaining a lot more than I really expected just from listening. Mind you, these are not the easiest books in the world to retain knowledge. I started noticing this as well with some of the podcasts I listen to. Anyway, we, or rather I, are trying a little experiment. It may be that I am activating certain parts of my brain with the advent of having some small concentration on a task at hand...while taking in another topic. This isn't really a new concept. There are studies that have shown that if you do one familiar thing while doing something, new, hard, or whatever, it s possible to activate neural pathways for all sorts of reasons. So the experiment is...have some music playing in the background while working. The music needs to be something I am not actively listening to but I am aware that it is playing. So for the past couple of days, I have been playing some classical music while I work. I chose classical because there is so much of it and (sadly) I am less likely to come across a song that I am familiar enough with to sing along.'s something that I am trying out. Just over the two days, ,it does seem that my attention is more focused on work and I seem to be a bit more productive.
Hope everyone has a great Friday and get ready for that weekend!