The Shaving Cadre

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Dave in KYs VLOG

Sorry your Mom is growing increasingly anxious. It is understandable. I take the virus serious, but I am aware that the news media's main goal is to keep you watching the news, so they are by their very nature in the hype business. My wife teaches 3rd grade and is really concerned about starting school, as am I. We are both scheduled to start in-person classes as normal. We shall see if that holds up.

So being 3D printed, is it really light weight? I have had trouble with some light weight razors almost "skipping."

My wife and daughter are leaving for a few days heading over close to you - Norris Lake. I have to stay here because I am still behind the 8 ball in getting caught up on reading and grading research papers. Have a good weekend!
Sorry your Mom is growing increasingly anxious. It is understandable. I take the virus serious, but I am aware that the news media's main goal is to keep you watching the news, so they are by their very nature in the hype business. My wife teaches 3rd grade and is really concerned about starting school, as am I. We are both scheduled to start in-person classes as normal. We shall see if that holds up.

So being 3D printed, is it really light weight? I have had trouble with some light weight razors almost "skipping."

My wife and daughter are leaving for a few days heading over close to you - Norris Lake. I have to stay here because I am still behind the 8 ball in getting caught up on reading and grading research papers. Have a good weekend!
Yeah, she knows the news is drama central but being in her 80's and all I understand her concerns.

The razor is very light and I like heft but still had a very good shave with no skipping.

Norris lake is gorgeous and all around where I work in Campbell County TN. Deerfield Resort is where the majority of my residential customers are. Beautiful area and homes. Hope they stay safe and enjoy the lake 👍
Deerfield Resort is where the majority of my residential customers are. Beautiful area and homes. Hope they stay safe and enjoy the lake
My sister-in-law's in-laws have a house on the south side of the lake closer to Maynardville. You can see Bubba's Brews from their dock. I hate not being with them for obvious reasons, but I also like to be there to be safety guy. Some of those boaters scare me.
My sister-in-law's in-laws have a house on the south side of the lake closer to Maynardville. You can see Bubba's Brews from their dock. I hate not being with them for obvious reasons, but I also like to be there to be safety guy. Some of those boaters scare me.
Not to scare you but just reality, customers I've done recently down there say they're holding up in their homes because nobody is using real wisdom at the bars etc along the lake. Lots of the people that have homes on the lake there are second homes for those that reside in Ohio Michigan Indiana etc. Usually younger people that are invincible and again I'll just leave this at that. Again I hope they have fun, it's certainly hot enough to enjoy as I'm a sweaty mess right now working 😜😂
Not to scare you but just reality,
it's certainly hot enough to enjoy as I'm a sweaty mess right now working 😜😂
Try to stay cool in this heat! I think they will be okay. I don't think they plan to do anything other than stay at the lake house and go out on the lake. They will be eating all their meals there.
Dang, waking up earlier indeed! Hope the rounds were good this morning!

Cool that the razor slides together. I guess I’d just assumed it screwed in like everything else normally does.
Sunday July 19, 2020
Razor: Gillette Guard Razor
Blade: Gillette Guard Cart (1)
Brush: Shavemac 2 Band Silvertip Ebonite
Soap: Tonsorial Williams
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla
Aftershave 2: Barbasol Pacific Rush
Fragrance: Guerlain Vetiver
Tagged by @Patelliott and can't think of anyone left to tag.......
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Great shave Dave! There was actually more light than I thought there was going to be, but the trouble I had was with the shadows. Hopefully your wife does not mind you taking her candle!
Saturday August 8, 2020
Razor: Gillette New Long Comb
Blade: Wizamet (3)
Brush: Sorrentino Orange Crush
Soap: WK La Fougere Parfaite
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla
Aftershave 2: Brut Splash
Fragrance: Brut Cologne