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Corona Virus

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“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
So figured with the spread of the virus, and people every where freaking out.

What do you guys think?

You worried? Should we be worried?

Let's try to not let it get political just stick to scientific facts.

Utah was just confirmed with our first case. Tomorrow my nephew is having a birthday party. He's turning 5 I think we are safe to go. My wife is nervous.

Did you guys clear the shelves if toilet paper and water at your local Costco too?
We have at least one case in our suburb of Sacramento at the nearby hospital, that I’ve heard about. Haven’t heard of a death locally yet.

Not much one can do really as I understand it, just keep as clean as possible. I mean even limiting physical contact only goes so far, since it can be “airborne” being transmitted through exhaled droplets/expectoration.

Life’s got to go on. If it happens, well then, damn, it happens.
I had a domestic business trip cancelled this week. It's only a matter of time before someone traveling from home back to one of the schools brings it to my neighborhood. I saw quite a few people wearing masks in the airports I've passed through the past month or two.
1st case reported in TN 2 hours south of me and 1st in KY 2 hours north of us. As Chris said all we can do is take precaution in reasonable terms and follow direction we receive as far as gatherings. We have a plan in action for our place of worship to care for things as best we can in advance and will monitor closely if we need to step plans up if we see local cases develop. Not panicking and taking 1 day at a time.
Did you guys clear the shelves if toilet paper and water at your local Costco too?
This one baffles me. Yes, if you get exposed you could be asked to stay at home for two weeks. Exactly how much toilet paper do people use in two weeks???
From what I understand it’s like getting a bad upper respiratory infection. Worse than a cold, but not quite as bad as the flu. I could be very wrong on that though.

I’ve just been washing my hands more than usual and using hand sanitizer throughout the day.
I think the scariest part is how quickly it appears to spread, lack of testing which means lack of quarantine, and how badly it is effecting some people over 60
They reported that they think the lower part of our state just got its first 2 cases. We are in the upper part. I'm worried for my mom she already has respiratory problems and uses a cpap .........
We're impacted at work by safeguards as I work for a trucking & warehousing company, and we're part of the supply chain for a bunch of companies, large and small. Precautions are in place with large industrial-sized sanitizers everywhere and instructions to use them before and after touching anything communal. e.g. printers, coffee machine, etc...

Personally, I'm just using common sense. Already been doing many recommended things for years: cough into my elbow, wash hands often (not just a quick rinse).....
We've got 19 confirmed cases in Finland, with the majority of them in the Helsinki region. All of them have been brought in via Italy, which is currently undergoing the worst outbreak anywhere.

130+ people are have been quarantined at home due to exposure to the virus. Hard to know how compliance is.

I honestly don't know what the best course of action is, for now, it's worry a lot, and wash hands, use sanitizer etc. My gut feeling is there's more of it going around, but it's a strange beast as many people have only minor symptoms. With the weather here it's impossible to differentiate between just feeling crap from being out in the damp cold vs. mild symptoms of something.

My mom is who I'm really worried about though, being in an assisted living facility, in the at risk group, living in California.
From what I understand it’s like getting a bad upper respiratory infection. Worse than a cold, but not quite as bad as the flu. I could be very wrong on that though.

I’ve just been washing my hands more than usual and using hand sanitizer throughout the day.
I think the scariest part is how quickly it appears to spread, lack of testing which means lack of quarantine, and how badly it is effecting some people over 60
Both of these are true. It spreads quickly because it doesn’t make the host super ill so they are healthy enough not to seek treatment and be up and around. But also like the flu it can be much worse for those already at risk. Except for kids it seems. So far they aren’t hit as hard by COVID as they are by flu.
I'm worried about my grandpa who was just diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer and that is already grim. As to my family we have always tried to have a small food storage on hand. Our plan for the next little bit is to really go out if we absolutely need too. Hoping it passes and we can still do our cruise in June. But there's a big part of me saying... This is all an over reaction.
I think much is fear of the unknown. People are used to seeing people with the flu and how it spreads each year and we still have issues getting them to do things to prevent it or the spread. Then here comes something new that isn’t as lethal as the flu and the sky is falling because everything is changing day by day. We have daily updates and phone call (even today) about how we need to respond and changing guidelines.
Everything I've seen is saying it does have a higher mortality rate than influenza. Though how much more is uncertain.
Everything I've seen is saying it does have a higher mortality rate than influenza. Though how much more is uncertain.
That’s what the reports are, but the numbers are very skewed. Tons of people with just a fever get swabbed for flu. COVID has strict guidelines on who gets tested, especially in the first several months. So those people were sicker and at higher a higher mortality risk.

To be comparable you would have to only look at the mortality rate of those with flu that are ill enough to be hospitalized.
This one baffles me. Yes, if you get exposed you could be asked to stay at home for two weeks. Exactly how much toilet paper do people use in two weeks???
You haven't met my wife! 🤪

I'm slightly more concerned now that my wife is preggos. But for the most part...apply proper sanitation techniques...if you get sick, stay home, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, stay away from hospitals and clinics unless you need to be there (sorry Dave), and just use some common sense.

I guess the scary thing is the spread of the virus if you are not symptomatic or if you just don't know you have it. Otherwise...I am not too concerned.
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