The Shaving Cadre

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College football 2021

I just received a call from my college roommate’s father …he was a Naval aviator- when I was a cadet - we had a gentlemen’s bet of $1 . Whoever lost had to present the winner with the dollar standing on a crate at the Philly 2nd Street subway station in our dress uniform .
I just received a call from my college roommate’s father …he was a Naval aviator- when I was a cadet - we had a gentlemen’s bet of $1 . Whoever lost had to present the winner with the dollar standing on a crate at the Philly 2nd Street subway station in our dress uniform .
Pics or it didn't happen
Again my friends - fantastic game and this is something I love every year - no matter the result! And I look forward to next year - I will have to find another shaving soap to dedicate to the game!

So I take a spell off from all the crazy stuff that went on in 2020 and 2021 to just to start getting back to see what it is going on with my LSU Tigers and Holy Crap!

National Championship winning coach was fired in October
LSU went 6-6 this year
A gazillion people entered the transfer portal, including our starting QB.
Oklahoma and Texas might join the SEC
LSU Hired Brian Kelly...away from Notre Dame!

What the hell is happening!

I feel like worlds are colliding...dogs and cats living's the end of times yo!

From what I understand...a lot of programs were in a bit of disarray this year. But this has to take the cake.
Urban Myer Fired. Lol.
Never really been an Urban Meyer fan (except for when he was at Utah...maybe). But that man always seems to land on his feet somewhere. I am not sure he will coach this upcoming season (though I wouldn't be surprised if he did), but I am sure the following season, some big name school will come calling and then he will coach there for four or five years until that program starts falling apart. And then he will say he has heart issues or whatnot.