The Shaving Cadre

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Chad Uses BAD blades!

Volume 113 Polsilver Super Iridium Use 2

Well today was use two of this blade and I put it in the slightly more aggressive Game Changer. And Once again I just had an effortless easy shave. This blade is truly a winner. So smooth, and honestly makes the razors feel as if there is no blade in them whatsoever. I remember using these blades years ago and not thinking anything special about them. I am now wondering if by chance I had a fake. I am now left on the hunt trying to find some of these at a good price. Anyone with any leads?

These blades are great move over Parker there is a new sheriff in town!

TRASH: Can't get a good shave. This blade is horrible. Never use again.
BAD: A bad blade but technically still got a serviceable shave, but have no desire to use the blade again.
GOOD: It was good enough that if I have another blade I wouldn't hesitate to use it.
100PACK: This blade was good enough to warrant stocking up!

Here are the updated lists and rankings:

** Blades Used **

  1. Muhle = Bad
  2. Van Der Hagen = Good
  3. Graham Field = Trash
  4. Super Homex = Bad
  5. Shark Super Chrome = Bad
  6. Shark Stainless Steel = 100 PACK
  7. Sputnik = 100 PACK
  8. Rockwell = Bad
  9. Parker = 100 PACK
  10. Bic Platinum = Trash
  11. Timor = Good
  12. MEM Super Silver Platinum = Trash
  13. Blue Bird = Good
  14. Gillette 7 O'clock Black = Good
  15. Royal Super Stainless = Bad
  16. Topaz Platinum = Bad
  17. ^Dorco 300 = Good
  18. Dorco 301 = Good
  19. Dorco Prime = Good
  20. Dorco Titan = Good
  21. Qball Platinum Plus = Good
  22. Treet King = Bad
  23. Derby Premium = 100 Pack
  24. Derby Extra = Bad
  25. Assured $1 = Trash
  26. Vincent VT300b = Trash
  27. ^ Gillette Super Thin = Good
  28. Lord Super Stainless = Good
  29. Lord Platinum = Good
  30. Lord Chrome = Good
  31. ^Lord Captain = Good
  32. Topaz Stainless = Bad
  33. Gillette Platinum = 100 Pack
  34. Zorrik Talvar = Good
  35. Kai Stainless = Bad
  36. Trig Silver = 100 Pack
  37. Perma Sharp Super = Good
  38. Croma Diamant = Bad
  39. Baili Blue = Trash
  40. Treet Silver = Bad
  41. Asco Orange = Good
  42. Asco Red = Bad
  43. Asco Red/Blue = Bad
  44. Shaver Boy = Good
  45. Cloud Shanghai = Bad
  46. Tiger Carbon = Trash
  47. Sharp Chromium = Good
  48. 7AM Platinum = Good
  49. Vijay Stainless = Trash
  50. Zorrik Platinum = 100 Pack
  51. Racer Stainless = Good
  52. Racer Platinum = Good
  53. Polsilver Super Iridium = 100 pack
^ - Discontinued

100 Pack Ranking

  1. Polsilver Super Iridium
  2. Parker Premium
  3. Sputnik
  4. Trig Silver
  5. Gillette Platinum
  6. Zorrik Platinum
  7. Derby Premium
  8. Shark Stainless Steel
Good Ranking
  1. Perma Sharp Super
  2. Sharp Chromium
  3. 7AM Platinum
  4. Zorrik Talvar
  5. Qball Platinum Plus
  6. Ladas
  7. ShaverBoy
  8. Lord Chrome
  9. Asco Orange
  10. Lord Captain
  11. Blue Bird Stainless
  12. Dorco Prime
  13. Gillette 7 O'Clock Black
  14. Racer Platinum
  15. Gillette Super Thin
  16. Racer Stainless
  17. Dorco Titan
  18. Dorco 300/301
  19. Timor
  20. Lord Platinum
  21. Lord Super Stainless
  22. Van Der Hagen
Bad Ranking
  1. Derby Extra
  2. Asco Red
  3. Croma Diamant
  4. Kai Stainless
  5. Topaz Platinum
  6. Topaz Stainless
  7. Asco Red/Blue
  8. Muhle
  9. Treet King
  10. Royal Super Stainless
  11. Super Homex
  12. Treet Silver
  13. Cloud Shanghai
  14. Shark Chrome
  15. Rockwell
Trash Ranking
  1. Bic Platinum
  2. Vijay Stainless
  3. MEM Super Silver
  4. Vincent VT300b
  5. Baili Blue
  6. Assured $1
  7. Graham Field
  8. Tiger Carbon
These blades are great move over Parker there is a new sheriff in town!
They are ranked. Just realised this :) I thought it's just between categories.
Anyone with any leads?
Well, if you have a flea market with lot of Bulgarians nearby, that's a place to start😁 Seriously, all my previous purchases of this blade, included someone from Bulgaria.
Have there been some that you've disagreed on? Obviously what I'm doing is still pretty subjective. Except for the trash category. Those suck!
I wasn't saying I had any I disagreed with. Just referring to Doug saying he was waiting for you to call into question our thoughts on blades. We all know that some will work for some and not others. I know some like the Treet platinum but any time I used them I get all cut up. So if you have one that works for me and doesn't for you, I'm still going to use it. No quarrels with anything brother
I wasn't saying I had any I disagreed with. Just referring to Doug saying he was waiting for you to call into question our thoughts on blades. We all know that some will work for some and not others. I know some like the Treet platinum but any time I used them I get all cut up. So if you have one that works for me and doesn't for you, I'm still going to use it. No quarrels with anything brother

No quarreling at all. Was more just curious.
Volume 114 Feather Hi-Stainless Use 1

Well first sorry guys. The last few days really got away from me. But I did get a review in this morning up today is the famed Feather blade from Japan. Many claim it is the sharpest DE on the market, and there is plenty of research out there to support this claim. I haven't really used these blades in about 4-5 years, at the time they were just too sharp and honestly not as smooth as I wanted. So I have eagerly been looking forward to this review because a lot of guys use this as their daily blade. Especially in a less aggressive razor.

The shave today was actually pretty good in the Timeless Razor and performed pretty well. But honestly not as nice as the Iridium blade I reviewed recently. I will be curious to see how it performs in a more aggressive razor tomorrow before I offer a rating.

Volume 115 Feather Hi-Stainless Use 2

I must be honest I struggle with this blade, and have a very hard time deciding where to put it. I know a lot of guys around here and in the wetshaving community swear by these blades. They are the sharpest out there and you should use the sharpest blade right?

I loaded this up in the Variant today and dialed it all the way up, the shave was uncomfortable and led to 3 nics. But yesterday in the mild razor the shave was wonderful a perfect BBS. For me because I wouldn't feel comfortable to put this blade in just any razor in my arsenal, I am don't feel comfortable giving it a 100 pack rating. My new #1 blade the Polsilver worked in any razor I put it in, and provided effortless BBS each time. But the feather is a perfect pairing in the more mild razor. Because of that it is going to take the top spot in the Good category.

TRASH: Can't get a good shave. This blade is horrible. Never use again.
BAD: A bad blade but technically still got a serviceable shave, but have no desire to use the blade again.
GOOD: It was good enough that if I have another blade I wouldn't hesitate to use it.
100PACK: This blade was good enough to warrant stocking up!

Here are the updated lists and rankings:

** Blades Used **

  1. Muhle = Bad
  2. Van Der Hagen = Good
  3. Graham Field = Trash
  4. Super Homex = Bad
  5. Shark Super Chrome = Bad
  6. Shark Stainless Steel = 100 PACK
  7. Sputnik = 100 PACK
  8. Rockwell = Bad
  9. Parker = 100 PACK
  10. Bic Platinum = Trash
  11. Timor = Good
  12. MEM Super Silver Platinum = Trash
  13. Blue Bird = Good
  14. Gillette 7 O'clock Black = Good
  15. Royal Super Stainless = Bad
  16. Topaz Platinum = Bad
  17. ^Dorco 300 = Good
  18. Dorco 301 = Good
  19. Dorco Prime = Good
  20. Dorco Titan = Good
  21. Qball Platinum Plus = Good
  22. Treet King = Bad
  23. Derby Premium = 100 Pack
  24. Derby Extra = Bad
  25. Assured $1 = Trash
  26. Vincent VT300b = Trash
  27. ^ Gillette Super Thin = Good
  28. Lord Super Stainless = Good
  29. Lord Platinum = Good
  30. Lord Chrome = Good
  31. ^Lord Captain = Good
  32. Topaz Stainless = Bad
  33. Gillette Platinum = 100 Pack
  34. Zorrik Talvar = Good
  35. Kai Stainless = Bad
  36. Trig Silver = 100 Pack
  37. Perma Sharp Super = Good
  38. Croma Diamant = Bad
  39. Baili Blue = Trash
  40. Treet Silver = Bad
  41. Asco Orange = Good
  42. Asco Red = Bad
  43. Asco Red/Blue = Bad
  44. Shaver Boy = Good
  45. Cloud Shanghai = Bad
  46. Tiger Carbon = Trash
  47. Sharp Chromium = Good
  48. 7AM Platinum = Good
  49. Vijay Stainless = Trash
  50. Zorrik Platinum = 100 Pack
  51. Racer Stainless = Good
  52. Racer Platinum = Good
  53. Polsilver Super Iridium = 100 pack
  54. Feather Hi Stainless = Good
^ - Discontinued

100 Pack Ranking

  1. Polsilver Super Iridium
  2. Parker Premium
  3. Sputnik
  4. Trig Silver
  5. Gillette Platinum
  6. Zorrik Platinum
  7. Derby Premium
  8. Shark Stainless Steel
Good Ranking
  1. Feather Hi-Stainless
  2. Perma Sharp Super
  3. Sharp Chromium
  4. 7AM Platinum
  5. Zorrik Talvar
  6. Qball Platinum Plus
  7. Ladas
  8. ShaverBoy
  9. Lord Chrome
  10. Asco Orange
  11. Lord Captain
  12. Blue Bird Stainless
  13. Dorco Prime
  14. Gillette 7 O'Clock Black
  15. Racer Platinum
  16. Gillette Super Thin
  17. Racer Stainless
  18. Dorco Titan
  19. Dorco 300/301
  20. Timor
  21. Lord Platinum
  22. Lord Super Stainless
  23. Van Der Hagen
Bad Ranking
  1. Derby Extra
  2. Asco Red
  3. Croma Diamant
  4. Kai Stainless
  5. Topaz Platinum
  6. Topaz Stainless
  7. Asco Red/Blue
  8. Muhle
  9. Treet King
  10. Royal Super Stainless
  11. Super Homex
  12. Treet Silver
  13. Cloud Shanghai
  14. Shark Chrome
  15. Rockwell
Trash Ranking
  1. Bic Platinum
  2. Vijay Stainless
  3. MEM Super Silver
  4. Vincent VT300b
  5. Baili Blue
  6. Assured $1
  7. Graham Field
  8. Tiger Carbon
Volume 116 Bolzano Superinox Inossidabile Use 1

Up today is a new blade to me that I am excited to use. I actually used one of these a couple days before the beginning of this series. I was impressed then and I was impressed today. First a little about this blade

This is an Italian blade from the company Feintechnik GmbH which started production in 1920. They later outsourced production to Germany around 2000. Then in 2014 the the company was purchased by Harry's and the blade is still being produced and marketed today. This blade is admired by Italians for basically the years 1920 thru 2000 this was treated like Gillette is treated in the US. It was the blade. After moving to Germany the blade started to disappear and barbers and shavers started switching to other blades because these blades the price increased and they were harder to find. But many Italian Barber purists still sought out this blade and still do.

The blade is Titanium coated. Many claim that this razor is as sharp as the Feather. After using them back to back (not on purpose) I will state that it is NOT as sharp as the Feather. But it is definitely more smooth, and more efficient. More to the claim that sharpness is NOT the most important aspect of the blade. It is obviously very important but I do believe there is diminishing returns. This is a great blade and I am excited to see how it performs tomorrow. But we might have another 100 pack on our hands.

Price wise it is definitely a more expensive blade but patience can get a good price. In fact right now it is on sale at Amazon all prices for 100 packs:

Amazon $19.99
IB $29.99
WCS $39.99
Maggards $39.99

I recently tried a Bolzano blade and liked it. I bought a tuck about 2 years ago and just never got around to using one. I understand they are highly regarded but being a little more expensive (and 2 years ago they were a little hard to get) I think they get very little attention. I have a lifetime supply of blades already but would definitely buy a 100 pack of Bolzano before I buy more Feather, Rapira or Vokshod.
Volume 117 Bolzano Superinox Inossidabile Use 2

Well today was use two of the Bolzano and I loaded it up in a more aggressive razor to see how it would perform. This blade is so smooth, and just does a great job of delivering an effortless shave. While it is not as sharp as some blades and the half pass I do for clean up requires a tad bit more attention to get me BBS, the results are great. This blade will give you a perfect shave. I can tell why Italian barbers use this blade. I would highly recommend this blade and that is why it has entered the top 3 kicking out the Sputnik and has the 100 pack rating.

TRASH: Can't get a good shave. This blade is horrible. Never use again.
BAD: A bad blade but technically still got a serviceable shave, but have no desire to use the blade again.
GOOD: It was good enough that if I have another blade I wouldn't hesitate to use it.
100PACK: This blade was good enough to warrant stocking up!

Here are the updated lists and rankings:

** Blades Used **

  1. Muhle = Bad
  2. Van Der Hagen = Good
  3. Graham Field = Trash
  4. Super Homex = Bad
  5. Shark Super Chrome = Bad
  6. Shark Stainless Steel = 100 PACK
  7. Sputnik = 100 PACK
  8. Rockwell = Bad
  9. Parker = 100 PACK
  10. Bic Platinum = Trash
  11. Timor = Good
  12. MEM Super Silver Platinum = Trash
  13. Blue Bird = Good
  14. Gillette 7 O'clock Black = Good
  15. Royal Super Stainless = Bad
  16. Topaz Platinum = Bad
  17. ^Dorco 300 = Good
  18. Dorco 301 = Good
  19. Dorco Prime = Good
  20. Dorco Titan = Good
  21. Qball Platinum Plus = Good
  22. Treet King = Bad
  23. Derby Premium = 100 Pack
  24. Derby Extra = Bad
  25. Assured $1 = Trash
  26. Vincent VT300b = Trash
  27. ^ Gillette Super Thin = Good
  28. Lord Super Stainless = Good
  29. Lord Platinum = Good
  30. Lord Chrome = Good
  31. ^Lord Captain = Good
  32. Topaz Stainless = Bad
  33. Gillette Platinum = 100 Pack
  34. Zorrik Talvar = Good
  35. Kai Stainless = Bad
  36. Trig Silver = 100 Pack
  37. Perma Sharp Super = Good
  38. Croma Diamant = Bad
  39. Baili Blue = Trash
  40. Treet Silver = Bad
  41. Asco Orange = Good
  42. Asco Red = Bad
  43. Asco Red/Blue = Bad
  44. Shaver Boy = Good
  45. Cloud Shanghai = Bad
  46. Tiger Carbon = Trash
  47. Sharp Chromium = Good
  48. 7AM Platinum = Good
  49. Vijay Stainless = Trash
  50. Zorrik Platinum = 100 Pack
  51. Racer Stainless = Good
  52. Racer Platinum = Good
  53. Polsilver Super Iridium = 100 pack
  54. Feather Hi Stainless = Good
  55. Bolzano = 100 Pack
^ - Discontinued

100 Pack Ranking

  1. Polsilver Super Iridium
  2. Parker Premium
  3. Bolzano
  4. Sputnik
  5. Trig Silver
  6. Gillette Platinum
  7. Zorrik Platinum
  8. Derby Premium
  9. Shark Stainless Steel
Good Ranking
  1. Feather Hi-Stainless
  2. Perma Sharp Super
  3. Sharp Chromium
  4. 7AM Platinum
  5. Zorrik Talvar
  6. Qball Platinum Plus
  7. Ladas
  8. ShaverBoy
  9. Lord Chrome
  10. Asco Orange
  11. Lord Captain
  12. Blue Bird Stainless
  13. Dorco Prime
  14. Gillette 7 O'Clock Black
  15. Racer Platinum
  16. Gillette Super Thin
  17. Racer Stainless
  18. Dorco Titan
  19. Dorco 300/301
  20. Timor
  21. Lord Platinum
  22. Lord Super Stainless
  23. Van Der Hagen
Bad Ranking
  1. Derby Extra
  2. Asco Red
  3. Croma Diamant
  4. Kai Stainless
  5. Topaz Platinum
  6. Topaz Stainless
  7. Asco Red/Blue
  8. Muhle
  9. Treet King
  10. Royal Super Stainless
  11. Super Homex
  12. Treet Silver
  13. Cloud Shanghai
  14. Shark Chrome
  15. Rockwell
Trash Ranking
  1. Bic Platinum
  2. Vijay Stainless
  3. MEM Super Silver
  4. Vincent VT300b
  5. Baili Blue
  6. Assured $1
  7. Graham Field
  8. Tiger Carbon