The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #8---Rules, Sign-up, and Therapy

Here we are starting the 4th day........Everyone having fun?

Let's keep everyone healthy shall we......

Are you unnecessarily punishing me?

Not unnecessarily.....
All calls are in play. I Turned up the heat a little bit today. One of them will take you at least 18 seconds to find,.

Found 2 from today and 3 others that I have no idea how I didn’t have them already.

only one hit today so far but I liked it
So just to be clear The Notation in the picture are NOT calls (C17 H20 N4 O6 are not calls)

Aww come on man! I say if anyone has those Bingo numbers on their card, to go ahead and let them mark em!
What do you mean? I figured it out from the first pic. The second pic is the same thing, just different notation.
For some reason the 1st pic when searched wouldn't get me where I needed. Pulled up something about radium ? No matter, no hits for me today but 2 away in direction.....
Wow so no one is having a hard time with the calls. Need to increase intensity I guess.