The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #8---Rules, Sign-up, and Therapy

Well, I am 3 for 10 but have found only 9 and that is assuming I have found the right 9. I still only have 3 from the first day.
3 for 4 today and 1 for 2 yesterday. I'll just wait for the recaps if you're doing them at end of week ?? 2 away 1 direction so yesterdays could be my winners

Enjoyed #4 today, going back to finish it for fun
In 3 days, I've found 8 and only got 1 hit. Remind me again why I don't cheat right out of the gate?
Well I have found 9 calls total and I have 5 hits! This has been fun and one call from today was stellar and I didn’t even realize that that was possible to do thanks John!
The 4th call for today is still eluding me. Must be as I only view through my phone?

3/11 otherwise.
Ok out of the 12 calls so far i have a grand total of ZERO hits. Did the blade I PIFed you cut you really bad John?