The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #63 - Traditional Bingo

Alright so yesterday I had a very interesting game for football. I was the Line Judge in the game. And it was a very back and forth game with 50 MPH gusts coming from the south the WHOLE game. It made for a very interesting game. We had a very rare ending to the game. At the end of the 4th quarter the score was 21 to 21. The visiting team got the ball first in OT and scored, and made the field goal. Making the score 28 to 21. Now the home team gets the ball. They are on the 16 yard line and need to get to the 8 yard line, and its 4th and 8. They obviously have to go for it, a FG does nothing for them. QB runs a boot leg and is tackled in front of the Head Linesman who comes crashing in and demands the ball, he places it as his feet which is the end of the run. We all realize that this is too close to call a first down or short of the first down thus meaning the game is over. So we call for a measurement. If they get the first down the game continues, if they didn't then that means the visiting team WINS the game! Out come the sticks. We stretch the chains and we are a whopping 3 INCHES short!!!! The game is over and ended on a measurement. Thank the lord we had a police escort to our locker room. Craziest end to a game I have ever worked!
According to your rules, The (B,I,N,G,O) letters are not required, so I'm guessing these are all legit calls? I mean you did specify in the football question that numbers appearing in the question were not valid, and no such statement was made here.
According to your rules, The (B,I,N,G,O) letters are not required, so I'm guessing these are all legit calls? I mean you did specify in the football question that numbers appearing in the question were not valid, and no such statement was made here.
A for effort... but there is only 1 call in that post
What is the smallest number with EXACTLY 7 divisors?

The answer is your bingo call
The answer to this question will be your bingo call.

Using the NFHS rule book.

Team A has the ball at the at the 9 yard line, and is lined up in a legal formation. Before the snap the Left Tackle false starts. The Line Judge has a flag and blows his whistle. When the player commits the false start the Team B's Middle Line Backer with frustration runs across the line grabs the Team A's QB and throws him to the ground and the Head Referee throws a flag for this act. What yard line will the NEXT snap start from?
Your last bingo call is my current age... and this is my real age... not what my wife claims I act.
Your last bingo call is my current age... and this is my real age... not what my wife claims I act.
I understand this might be actually a harder question. But there is enough TSC info to get the answer to this question with some searching. If it can not be found I will provide two hints this evening.
Using the NFHS rule book.

Team A has the ball at the at the 9 yard line
Their own 9 or the opposing teams?

Also the NFHS rule book seems to be behind a paywall. Ha anybody found a free version for us to use?