The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #63 - Traditional Bingo

Now I just noticed something, I have to give @CVargo credit for one of the calls today !! I just found one of your sneaky calls and props to you for it !! I was impressed ny it !!
3 days of bingo equal 18 total calls. You only need 24 to win. Someone could win this tomorrow right?
Yup the answer is 53.3. Just as it's listed on the crayola website. Ya got me.
Well Mr. Math degree person, you know then that numbers round and if the last digit is below 5 it gets dropped but if its over then it gets rounded up !! so that would make that 53 , I know what AND which one you meant though so im just giving you a hard time now but anyway......


Okay , for real here ,and , No offense intended...... I respect you having a degree , But there are some of us that are NOT as well versed in the field of Math as you are , so if you could , would you think of us that are not as versed when you design your calls please.. I mean to give examples I shall use my field of study. I got my degree in communications , specifically TV and Film ( some also consider it a / n english degree ) , so if I were to go off and use some of the specifics from my field , you guys and gals would be at a loss .. Another example would be if KJ @Spider were to use what he specialized in while active duty and / or even in his now civilian field of work to base his calls on, we would really be at a disadvantage with the technicals of where he could go.. Please consider that when you make your calls, Thank you...

Ok now I will get off the soapbox.


It is just a game, throttle it back a bit
I meant No disrespect .. I even said so .. I was just saying some of us dont know math that well and was just saying that... If I came across as being disrespectful or anything then I apologize with the utmost sincerity !!! I am extremely sorry @CVargo And @BarberDave And anyone else that may have taken my comment as being disrespectful or offensive !!!