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Bingo game #62 - Sumo Bingo

Well so far it looks like everyone has a 20 percent chance ....
Anyone else gonna sign up ??
Come on Guys And Gals , Show KJ some love and sign up for what's gonna probably be a pretty interesting game !!!!
I didnt even know what to put down .. I have no idea of ANY names to pick or what to do so I really couldnt as I dont follow that ....
I said even random picks would work. This bingo game is all about learning about the sport. We all started by not knowing what was going on or who anybody was.
I said even random picks would work. This bingo game is all about learning about the sport. We all started by not knowing what was going on or who anybody was.
My problem was I know no names or the sections to put them in.. If I had even a basic knowledge of it I would have gladly jjoined .... I will try to follow along so that I may learn about it...

"This 21 year old wrestler" was ranked East Maegashira #1 in the May tournament. He finished with a losing record of 7-8, resulting in a demotion. He dropped one spot to the rank of West Maegashira #1 for the July tournament.

The number of spots you gain or lose each tournament depends not only on your record, but also the records of the other wrestlers, and a few other factors.
For example: Ura also finished with a 7-8 record, but his rank did not change (M4-W). Whereas Hokutofuji (7-8) dropped from M11-W to M13-E (3 spots down).
By the way, you guys know I like banter. I'm much more likely to make calls faster and possibly make more calls if the banter is up. (y)
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"This 21 year old wrestler" was ranked East Maegashira #1 in the May tournament. He finished with a losing record of 7-8, resulting in a demotion. He dropped one spot to the rank of West Maegashira #1 for the July tournament.

The number of spots you gain or lose each tournament depends not only on your record, but also the records of the other wrestlers, and a few other factors.
For example: Ura also finished with a 7-8 record, but his rank did not change (M4-W). Whereas Hokutofuji (7-8) dropped from M11-W to M13-E (3 spots down
Okay. That called sucked a top knot!
I believe there have been two calls thus far. And both sucked as bad as a spider running across your ceiling and you missing it with the rolled up newspaper.
If there have been 2 calls then so far I have 2 spots on my card marked.... 1 is a good on and one doesnt count... So far so good... Hey I guess thats not bad for someone who has NO Idea about anything dealing with Sumo !! Keep it up KJ !!
3 Bad Calls Someone needs to smack Fat Spidey in the face with a sweaty used Muwashi