The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #45: Fall is in the Air

Well, I had to throw shade at the caller and I actually got a hit so I couldn't complain about the call.
We're only 1 day into the game...I only found 2 calls and neither is on my card....and I just noticed that there's no Free Space.

AND there’s no bonus call today! But you can’t blame that one on me….
Good Morning Bingo Players!!

The random Player of the Day is_.O. 6.6 . @GearNoir !!!

Please make your bonus call in this thread by 4pm, Central time.
Anybody find all 4 calls from yesterday?

**edit: I see now that the 4th call is player provided, misread the original rules, sorry **
I've only found 6 of the possible 7 calls that are out there.....and @GearNoir 's call was the only good one. This game blows.....
