Well Back to gathering the lynch mob.... C'mon Steven! No Soup for you
0/4, 11/37
0/4, 11/37

1. At the Tower Records on sunset Blvd.Ok..... @Jaro1069 ...looks like you get to take a shot at yesterdays question....
Here it is so you don't have to go back and find it: I20
Meeting your significant other is almost always a good story......or it could be boring.
I met my wife…
1. At the Tower Records on sunset blvd.
2. At the lunch truck at work.
And we have a win..........NOPE!!!1. At the Tower Records on sunset Blvd. O71
...with no sense of personal space. LOLshe still thinks I’m a dork.
She doesn't mind when I get that close now....with no sense of personal space. LOL
Wait, what? Did I miss something? Has he posted a new list?Apparently I’m first up tomorrow for the second round of TMI trivia. I’ll start reading up on Heysi tonight
No, I was contacted privately by the Bingo Zauberer himselfWait, what? Did I miss something? Has he posted a new list?
Still waiting on that hug....
Um...I thought I covered this. I only have 9 contestants (or 8 if we were in fact ghosted) and I need about 13 to 15 questions to get to the end of this game.....I have to repeat contestants. So I generated a new random list for the rest of the game. Now there's randomness on top of randomness.
Waiting for the TMI question for today.......
Yeah, I know. I just figured you'd post the new list, like you did the first one, so we'd know when we were up.I have to repeat contestants. So I generated a new random list for the rest of the game.
That's not fair. Your questions were based on one per day. So you already had a new one planned for today, right? Should be independent of number of participants.The question for yesterday was today's question.
No.... I blame you.Blame the ghost guy.
Have you ever been to a real Bingo game?did you promote KJ from Constable to Grumpy Ole SOB?