The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #38 - The Hunt for the White Whale

Ship’s Log Day 10 (Pt. 2): Today as we processed the whale Mr. Stubb caught yesterday, we had the pleasure of encountering another ship. One of the crew keeping watch spotted her from a distance, and reported that she flew a bi-color flag, blue over red. We thought she was signaling a change of course to starboard, but when she kept straight on, we realized it must be the flag of her home port. The “Égalité” was a trading ship who hailed from our sister republic in the New World. As the crew worked to get the barrels filled with oil, Captain Ahab and I were more than happy to row across to their vessel to parlay with their Captain and Mate. A fine pair of men who acted as generous hosts for a wonderful meal. As we departed L’Égalité a simple sailor shouted a message to us, which I believe he hoped would assist us in our hunt for whales.

“Jodi a nimewo yo san lèt yo se senkant, swasanndis kat, uit, swasanndis, swasant sis.”

Sadly none of our crew could understand what the fellow was saying.

10 calls today, all posted.
Starbuck (aka Eric the Bingo Wizard)
Not it. Of the 5 easy calls, I got 3 marks on my sheet and none counted. Of the other calls, work is hitting hard today so likely won't have time for them.
Where have you been?

Using the same two soaps I've always used.

I'm the most boring shaver on this forum. I see your collection of 1,983 soaps and I can't imagine how I would approach that. Would I choose one and use it all the way through to empty or use a different soap each day until I'd tried them all? It hurts my head to even think about. I'm envious of your collection but it frightens me with possibilities.
Honestly I have so much going on that I don't even think I will have a chance to look for the calls today.... I am hoping I can but I don't know.... I might be able to look for the first 5 but the last 5 has me at a loss......
One more measly hit today!

After all that, I'm about ready to set the sails ablaze!

Gosh, I had no idea that my offer of sending you two soaps would double your collection and set off an existential crisis!

In the interest of clarity;

I do have a third soap that I got out of the pass-around box a few years back. It wouldn't fit back inside the box so I had to take it (@Spider had stuffed that thing full) but I've only used it once. I feel bad for having ignored it and will probably use it tomorrow just out of guilt from this post.

In fact........since I'm getting two soaps from this sea-faring adventure, I'm going to try to use the three non-usual soaps in my "collection" until they are gone. At least that way, they are not going to waste. May god have mercy on my morning routine.

Who knows, I may end up liking at least one of them and I'll have to buy 42 of them like I have with MWF and Williams. (I have issues)
Ok. Next personal interlude: home life. My wife and I met in middle school when we were both 12 years old. I grew up on Long Island about 10 minutes from where I live now. My wife was born in NY, but lived with her grandparents in Haiti for 8 years as her parents finished their medical training in the US before returning to her parents in NY. We now live 5 minutes from my in-laws. We started dating in 2002 and have been married since 2013. In 2020 we welcomed a baby boy who now consumes all of my time (apart from work and TSC). I’m happy to report that we are all very happy and healthy, thank God.
Sorry guys...kind of got hit with some home stuff. I'm going to withdraw from the fun times it looks like y'all are having. Sorry...wanted to actually play this time.