Nice shave Dave. I look at a razor like that and I don't think about how warn it is. I think about how many great shaves it must have given throughout its life. From the looks of it, it still has a lot left.
Thanks Don
Nice shave Dave. I look at a razor like that and I don't think about how warn it is. I think about how many great shaves it must have given throughout its life. From the looks of it, it still has a lot left.
This guy here likes to shave with crusty pieces of Swedish steel..... Obviously he has more marbles than I! Nice shave Dave!STARDATE: AD:20180510 SR Shave #922
Pre-Shave Lather / Hot Towel & Rince / 15 Laps TM linen / 50 laps TM Strop
Post-Shave: Lucky Tiger Aftershave Salve / Cold Towel & Rinse
30-laps Trans-Ark Hone / 25 Higgins English Linen / 50 Westholme Fast Draw
CV Heljestrand MK #33
Sorrentino Barzini / Tuxedo Synthetic
Penhaligon's Bayolea
Shave Soap
Aftershave Splash
Today's Shave was a very nice one. My MK #33 is beaten torn up and almost made it into the shadow box. It was really the onus behind me committing to honing. A very well respected honemeister has indicated there was no hope for this blade. Being stupid, I rejected and begun the determined task of getting a shaveable edge on this rare bird.
Success, and I have been shaving with it ever since. Sure it will probably disintegrate in my hands someday, but until that point that I have to retire it I will enjoy and keep looking for a more pristine version, although I think I may be Out of luck. This razor reminds me of, and has been named Lee Marvin. A bit grisled, a bit to much hardship, looking the wear of a long life, but still one mean and nasty S.O.B. He shaves that way to. Like his sister the MK#32, treat him right and he will reward you, get complacent and both will begin the ambulance call, LOL
Today was a good day. 3-passes, a tad bit of irritation, but DSBBS all over, the irritation was the only item not allowing for a Grail shave.
Bayolea..... Not much else to be said, just nirvana in a couple of bottles. spicy, yet perfect for summer. A nice AS splash and a few Vasilli's........ and maybe a few more Vasilli's....... and OK a few more , and I was off to the races
Hope you all have a fantastic day, and as usual I will get caught up on your journals as I can. BTW Thanks for being a part of "The Shaving Cadre"
This guy here likes to shave with crusty pieces of Swedish steel..... Obviously he has more marbles than I! Nice shave Dave!
Thanks CraigWell Dave I've fallen behind in reading journals too, way further than I realized.
Great pictures, reads, and shaves!
So the farm already had to have a bigger barn huh? Why am I having "Green Acre" flash backs now?
For many years we had one of those automatic littler boxes. It meant only having to deal with it once a week. But then that one time takes considerably longer.The next time I am down there I expect a wonderful omelete!
Yea I told my wife when we added the second cat, "I am done with litter boxes... I need a break from them." She said okay sure thing I will do it! Well guess what 3 months after that she got pregnant... guess who has been doing the litter boxes since? Yup ME! I love the cats but man I hate litter boxes.
Thanks, LOL
Thank goodness you have something to do now. I was feeling bad for you with all these posts about how quite and boring retirement was!Thanks Craig
OH it gets better we now have 4 more chickens and two more on the way, sticking to two ducks though, I should have never told her I would not clean the litter box........7 yrs ago!!!! Wow she can hold onto a grudge, LOL
Here are the latest editions to the menagerie
another Aruacana
2 leghorns
and a Golden Laced Wyan Dotte........ Whatever the Heck that means...... Oh and two Road Island Reds this weekend. All I see is poop factories, eggs ( someday ) and a laughing wife.... Maybe the litter boxes were not such a bad Idea..........
Congrats on a successful hat-trick straight shave. I am glad that it worked so well for you.
Dave...three razors at once? You're a![]()
Thanks Craig, and dont give her any ideas