Vector / Feather PG
Sorrentino PIC /Synth
La Toja Shave stick
Quinn’s PGFOR
La Toja aftershave
Penhaligon’s Elixir
Quick shave was necessary today (more on that in the “deets”). The Vector, and La Toja for the bill. Not the highest quality, but quick to apply, quick to lather, and always consistent. The aftershave is healing and has a nice Spanish “Seville” vibe. Keeping with the “Catholic” themeage, Elixir fit the bill. Good shave today
Since today is my Friday, my Thursday (which is actually Friday). Are you staying with me?
Anyway we decided to have dinner and watch some TV. 1st off was our normal viewing of “Dark Journalist” on you tube. Being Disney fans, I remembered that the new live action Peter Pan was out. With Jude Law as Hook, and Jim Gaffigan as Smee, it was going to to good, and indeed it was. It followed (mostly) the original cartoon, with a bit of a different ending , but was well done and followed the “Old” Disney way and even reminded us of our favorite ride “Peter Pan” at Disneyland.
Well….. we were already on Disney+ so “Hey Look” let’s watch the live action “Jungle Book” again. Awesome! “Hey Look”. 101 Dalmatians (the original).
So some 6 hours later and 0230-0300 I finally laid my head on the pillow and what seemed to be an instant, 0515 was here. Zombified Barbering today! So quick shower and even quicker shave and a TON OF COFFEE. Just to see a client arrive an hour early Grrrrrr, going to be one of those days
I am too old for staying up late anymore Hahaha
Looking forward to the weekend and Zoom call
Hope everyone has a great Saturday!