The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

A Razor Cannot Be "Efficient"

Come on! Whatever grazes your face that works is the ticket! Period! I have razors that melt stubble coming off the rack! I also have razors that invite stubble to tea...they all work depending on blade choice, angle and pressure. I spent decades pushing a disposable razor, ATG with nothing more than water...enjoy your gear and your shaves!
Come on! Whatever grazes your face that works is the ticket! Period! I have razors that melt stubble coming off the rack! I also have razors that invite stubble to tea...they all work depending on blade choice, angle and pressure. I spent decades pushing a disposable razor, ATG with nothing more than water...enjoy your gear and your shaves!
It's Bogeyman with one "o". I use some form of Gillette Tech for almost all my DE shaving.
Sorry about the misspelling. Darn small keyboard on my cell phone.

I’ve shaved with a couple of Gillette Techs and the one I’ve kept is my Fat handled Tech. It’s a nice mild razor with a small sweet spot. Which I enjoyed finding many years ago when I got it. Honestly don’t use it to often as I have other razors I like better but it’s enjoyable when I use it as a daily type razor and it is a classic that I will keep for sure.
It's Bogeyman with one "o". I use some form of Gillette Tech for almost all my DE shaving.
When I bought my Gillette Tech it was because it was kinda cheap, and was my birth quarter/year razor. Figured I'd just look at it after shaving with it once.

But...... Wow! What a great shaver. It would easily be my "desert island" razor.

Of course, if I'm ever stranded on an island, I'll probably just grow a beard and talk to a ball.
I have many Techs....fat handle, slim, travel, ball end, US, UK and a NOS Canadian Tech...I am always amazed how good a Tech with a Kai blade is for me!
Never tried a Kai. I've got a Feather some kind soul gave me that's still in the wrapper.

I’ll have to try a feather in my tech and see how that combo suites me. I really want to love the tech as it feel really nice in my hand.
It is barely feel the blade and it just mows that stubble down.

I’ll have to try a feather in my tech and see how that combo suites me. I really want to love the tech as it feel really nice in my hand.

Personally, I don't think a Feather blade is all that great. I like Gillette better, but of course my opinion and $10 will get you a mocha latte at Starbucks. Regardless, I think prep & technique are more critical to getting a great shave with a Tech. The Tech razor has a learning curve as well.
Personally, I don't think a Feather blade is all that great. I like Gillette better, but of course my opinion and $10 will get you a mocha latte at Starbucks. Regardless, I think prep & technique are more critical to getting a great shave with a Tech. The Tech razor has a learning curve as well.
It does, but it was a short curve for me. I love it with a GSB, Astra SS, and Nacet.

I will take that opinion of yours and the ten bucks and put it toward Dunkin Donuts coffee in medium roast in the bag!

This American runs on Dunkin's!