The Shaving Cadre

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A Place for Deep Thought

The Vector. Lots of discussions about this SE razor. I have never used a single edge. I had a Razorock Blackhawk for 2 days, but never used it. The head looked too big, so I swapped it with a guy who wanted one. He gave me a gun metal chrome Rockwell that KJ helped move to the hands of friend who had been eyeing one. But all this Vector love has me thinking about it. I discovered I am not a collector. I enjoyed trying the old Gillettes and trying some newer, non-stainless razors, but once the drawer got to 5 or more, I felt under pressure, or burdened. So when the Karve landed in my mailbox, and I had fantastic shaves, I moved items on. I made it a goal to only keep what I really liked to use, not just what looked good but didn't work great for me. I did that with other purchases in 2018 and early 2019 from Karve, too, finding which base plates were most used and moving on the ones that were being neglected. Being in the S thing, of course, makes Vector purchasing a no-no. So I have time to put thoughts to the page on whether or not I need to have a Vector. In a week or two, I'll come back to re-read this and think some more about it. Thanks for reading my ramblings! Off to read other's journals now.
I discovered I am not a collector.
once the drawer got to 5 or more, I felt under pressure, or burdened.
I am not a collector, either. I also feel burdened by having too much shaving gear - it makes me nervous. Took awhile to realize that, and it only occurred after ordering every Mama Bear's soap that appealed to me. Once the soaps numbered in the low 20s I was faced with difficult choices each shave. I PIFed and used them up till it became more manageable to me. I've never been a hardware collector, but that's because I am "frugal". After a couple of years I had settled into a routine and concentrated on having great shaves, not great stuff. However, I am open to trying new soaps and AS, but I purposely limit myself to what fits in the medicine cabinet and a small drawer of shaving stuff. And I did get bitten by the Vector bug, and am very pleased with the razor. If you want to try a single edge but don't want to make your first one an expensive Vector, you might consider a vintage Schick injectable. They are very reasonable priced as the market is glutted with them. Enjoy your shaves, Eric!
Thanks Bruce (@Graybeard57 )! Your description fits what I felt as well, too many choices had be focusing on rotations and usage rather than the the quality shave time, relaxing and enjoying it. I have thought about getting a Schick many times. In fact, my current avatar is Cary Grant in Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House. I believe he shaved in that scene with an injector, and had this wonderful speech to his wife about the awesomeness of that razor!
In my last kickboxing cage match, I received a stiff blow to the right side of my chest.....

Or the truth, I slipped going up the steps on the snow covered deck to put bird seed and the feeder and somehow managed to knee myself in the chest! Still very sore today, but only in certain positions. Applying various muscle rubs to calm it down. No bruises, but I expected a big one! Glad I wasn't filmed, now I don't have to worry about AFV airing it. But I can only imagine what I looked like! Poetry in motion, I'm sure šŸ˜œ
In my last kickboxing cage match, I received a stiff blow to the right side of my chest.....

Or the truth, I slipped going up the steps on the snow covered deck to put bird seed and the feeder and somehow managed to knee myself in the chest! Still very sore today, but only in certain positions. Applying various muscle rubs to calm it down. No bruises, but I expected a big one! Glad I wasn't filmed, now I don't have to worry about AFV airing it. But I can only imagine what I looked like! Poetry in motion, I'm sure šŸ˜œ

I like the first story better.
First shave completed with the Eversharp (Schick) Hydromagic, an I2 I believe. The angle seemed very intuitive, and it was pretty much a drama-free shave. What I did note was a lack of glide after a stroke or two, like the head of the razor was pulling on my skin. With my DE, I typically can go over an area for a few strokes without having to reapply lather. My impression with the Schick is that it removes a lot of lather, so there doesn't seem to be as much residual glide that I am used to having. I only did 2 passes on this maiden voyage, just to get the feel for the razor and blade. Tomorrow being a work day, I will try my usual routine, but I will have to pay attention to lather. Overall, I am pleased. Some areas on my mug are very smooth, and some areas that require 2-3 passes or lots of "buffing" aren't great. But today no collar and tie, so I can live with a little more whisker feel on my neck.
Well, today's outing with the Schick wasn't really good. It seemed rough, and I ended up switching to my Karve to finish up. The razor is reportedly a mild one, so I wonder if it is the Pella/Persona blade? I think I'll try a different blade, and maybe see if any local drug stores have Schick blades. But today I have buyers remorse and thinking I should have left well enough alone, sticking with the razors I already have . Not a hoopy frood.