-------------------------------- Copy list from here down when signing up ---------------------------------
If you want to join, just pick a blade and add your name and blade (be specific) to the list!
If you want to add your starting razor to the list go ahead (you're not required to stick with it.)
1. Spider – BX/PX Personna Blade (Israeli) - Yuma Razor (will use for duration)
2. Dave in KY - Wizamet and I'll start with my Yuma too but may switch it up
3. JWS VII - Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge (Yellow) - Timeless .68 SB
4. Uacowboy - Shark Super Stainless in my New SC
5. AJSharp - Personna Red (Israeli) - Wolfman Ti WR2 145
6. DeepSea - Exchange Branded Israeli Personna - Yates 921-hybrid plate
7. dkeester - Treet Black Carbon - Parker Variant
8. GearNoir - Feather - probably start with a Canadian Pre-war Tech and may swap to GC .68 later in the month
9. MaineYooper - Battle Brothers Shaving Co blade - Christopher Bradley brass Karve, plates A, B, & C
10. Majorrich - Gillette 7’oclock Super Stainless (Black) I’ll probably start with a Post War Tech, then try some randoms