The Shaving Cadre

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Doug's Journal of Shaving Happiness v2.0

Journal Entry #613
2020 Shaves (DE: 148, SE: 35, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 11)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water
Razor: J3 Gillette Slim Adjustable @5
Blade: Personna Platinum Chrome -- Israeli (1)
Bowl: Fine lather bowl
Brush: Omega Pro 49 boar
Soap/Cream: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Shave Cream (6)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Aftershave Balm (6)
Fragrance: Azzaro Pour Homme

Feeling vintage today


Shave Quality
The irritation is fading quickly, but the BBS is real. I started the Slim on 3 for the first pass, but cranked it up to 5 for the second. I went for a half pass cleanup on my neck for full-on BBS. I definitely exfoliated throughout the shave, but overall I am feeling good. Sometimes it is worth a little irritation to get a top notch shave. The aftershave balms are really helping me today.

The Gillette Slim is perhaps a better shaver than the Fatboy. I get good results from mine. I like using my adjustable razors on Fridays, but today I had to pull out a vintage one for @TobyC along with a boar brush for good measure. Vintage Gillettes rock. I still prefer the round slot (Post-war) Tech, but the Slim is a very worthy razor as well. The Slim also works well with an Israeli Personna.

I am really enjoying the Maca Root. It shaves great, but more than that the ASB gives a great post-shave feel. What the cream lacks in post-shave performance, the ASB has in abundance.

Are you a fan of fougere fragrances like me? If you don't have a bottle of Azzaro Pour Homme, you are missing out. Lavender, anise, oakmoss, leather, and vetiver as well as other notes. It is a classic woody, spicy, barbershoppy fragrance. Do yourself a favor and get a bottle. I may see if I can find a vintage bottle of this for a reasonable price to see if it has changed much over the years.

Other Thoughts
Went to a new restaurant last night for date night. It is a high-end steakhouse. The Bearnaise was excellently executed. The broccolini was perfectly sauteed.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Other Thoughts
Went to a new restaurant last night for date night. It is a high-end steakhouse. The Bearnaise was excellently executed. The broccolini was perfectly sauteed.
Some of the best cadre news!
Journal Entry #614
2020 Shaves (DE: 149, SE: 35, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 11)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water
Razor: Weishi Nostalgic Adjustable @1
Blade: Personna Platinum Chrome -- Israeli (2)
Bowl: Fine lather bowl
Brush: AOS Finest Badger
Soap/Cream: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Shave Cream (7)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Aftershave Balm (7)
Fragrance: Blue Seduction by Antonio Banderas

The Weishi finally delivers


Shave Quality
The shave was a little close but BBS and the little bit of irritation faded quickly. It was actually a great shave.

The Weishi Nostalgic Adjustable is probably the heaviest adjustable razor that I own. It feels like solid brass, but I am not sure. Even on the lowest setting it requires a light touch. Today it really delivered. The Israeli Personna worked well with the razor.

The AOS badger is a decent brush. It whipped up a great lather today.

Today's scent, Blue Seduction by Antonio Banderas, is a great cheapie. It cost me $20 for 200ml. It smells great and I am really enjoying it. I heard about it on a YouTube review and decided to take a chance. I am glad that I did.

Other Thoughts
Re-watching American Horror Story. It is a great series.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Journal Entry #615
2020 Shaves (DE: 149, SE: 36, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 11)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water
Razor: Stick Schick
Blade: Chinese Schick (2)
Bowl: Fine lather bowl
Brush: vintage Made Rite 58 badger w/ original knot
Soap/Cream: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Shave Cream (8)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Aftershave Balm (8)
Fragrance: original Aramis

Single Edge Sunday


Shave Quality
When used correctly Injectors really deliver, as was the case today. BBS with low irritation in two really good passes. The lather was good but still isn't up to the standard of my better soaps.

The Body Shop Maca Root is a great cream. The scent is light and very pleasant. I just wish the performance were better. It isn't quite up to CBL, Stirling, A&E, GD, DG, PAA, etc.

Original Aramis is amazingly good. I would call it a timeless classic. I am sure that many of the YouTube reviewers out there would say it is dated or something like that, but I like it.

Other Thoughts
Just finished re-watching Buffy and have now started re-watching Angel. I do think that Angel is a better show, but they are both great.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
Journal Entry #615
2020 Shaves (DE: 149, SE: 36, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 11)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water
Razor: Stick Schick
Blade: Chinese Schick (2)
Bowl: Fine lather bowl
Brush: vintage Made Rite 58 badger w/ original knot
Soap/Cream: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Shave Cream (8)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Aftershave Balm (8)
Fragrance: original Aramis

Single Edge Sunday


Shave Quality
When used correctly Injectors really deliver, as was the case today. BBS with low irritation in two really good passes. The lather was good but still isn't up to the standard of my better soaps.

The Body Shop Maca Root is a great cream. The scent is light and very pleasant. I just wish the performance were better. It isn't quite up to CBL, Stirling, A&E, GD, DG, PAA, etc.

Original Aramis is amazingly good. I would call it a timeless classic. I am sure that many of the YouTube reviewers out there would say it is dated or something like that, but I like it.

Other Thoughts
Just finished re-watching Buffy and have now started re-watching Angel. I do think that Angel is a better show, but they are both great.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
That's the one with the 4-speed knob? Seems like it would be an annoyance having that ball on the end of the handle, sort of carrying the "ball-end" idea too far. :)
That's the one with the 4-speed knob? Seems like it would be an annoyance having that ball on the end of the handle, sort of carrying the "ball-end" idea too far. :)
Yes, The "Stick Schick" is the one shaped like a four-speed gear shifter. It isn't that much of a pain to shave with. The handle is long enough that the knob doesn't really interfere with the shave.
Journal Entry #616
2020 Shaves (DE: 150, SE: 36, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 11)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water
Razor: Weishi Nostalgic Adjustable @2
Blade: Gillette Rubie (1)
Bowl: Fine lather bowl
Brush: PAA Peregrino synthetic
Soap/Cream: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Shave Cream (9)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Aftershave Balm (9)
Fragrance: Aramis Special Blend

Another rough one


Shave Quality
I am finding it difficult to get consistent results with this razor. I am BBS, but the irritation is real. We'll see if I need to take tomorrow off, or not. It will probably be a "Tech Tuesday" if my face is up to it. Oh, the ouchy.

The Weishi Nostalgic feels like if should be renamed "sledgehammer" or something equally heavy and destructive. The razor is in no way lightweight. The build quality is solid, and so are the materials. The blade gap is not enormous. Perhaps the problem is a lack of flex on the blade? If the blade is held mostly flat inside the head it would make a good angle harder to achieve. Perhaps that is the reason, besides the weight, that makes this razor so aggressive. It is a theory anyway...

I will have to try the Gillette Rubie in a different razor. Today's face scraping did not showcase it well at all. Or, perhaps the blade is part of the problem?

The Aramis Special Blend is quite enjoyable. It is a modern sweet and crowd pleasing sort of scent with hints of classic Aramis in the background. I can see it becoming popular with the crowd that considers classic fragrances like Aramis, Quorum, Lapidus Pour Homme, Azzaro Pour Homme, Polo Green, and others to be "dated" or "grandpa fragrances" or other semi-pejorative descriptors. I like it. I will definitely continue wearing it. However, I don't think it will ever become a classic like original Aramis is. Although, it is much less of a generic crowd-pleaser than Versace Dylan Blue. It has a bit of uniqueness to it among modern fragrances.

Other Thoughts
The developers that I work with are young (all are under 30), and it is hard not to think of them as (or call them) kids. Days like today make it harder. They didn't get the "they go to 11" reference when I used it in conversation as a joke. This make me sad and also makes me feel old.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.
and also makes me feel old.
Think of yourself as a timeless classic, much like original Aramis, Doug. Remember that it isn't the youngsters' fault - they were born too late to appreciate the '70s and '80s. It is up to us to educate their young minds.
Think of yourself as a timeless classic, much like original Aramis, Doug. Remember that it isn't the youngsters' fault - they were born too late to appreciate the '70s and '80s. It is up to us to educate their young minds.
I work in an office full of geeks and nerds that vary in age between early 20's to early 60's. We also have a project that has the internal code name of "Project eleven." It seems to me that they should know the reference. I have also seen a ton of memes over the years that riff on going to 11. I just expected that they would get it since it seems like they should have heard the reference by now.
Just pulling your chain a bit, not scolding. I have two sons in their 20s, and they have references all their own which elude me.
I am just a tiny bit frustrated with the kids, not you. Didn't think you were scolding. Thank you for your comments. :)(y)
Journal Entry #617
2020 Shaves (DE: 151, SE: 36, Straight: 10, Cart: 0, Skipped: 11)

: Hot shower/splash of cool water
Razor: Micro Touch One
Blade: Gillette Rubie (2)
Bowl: Fine lather bowl
Brush: WCS Tortoiseshell Collection Torch Shaving Brush, Silvertip 26mm
Soap/Cream: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Shave Cream (10)
AS 1: Thayer's Coconut Water Facial Toner
AS 2: Nivea Sensitive ASB & Lucky Tiger Vanishing Cream
AS 3: The Body Shop (old formula) Maca Root Aftershave Balm (10)
Fragrance: Burberry for Men

Again with the rough stuff, but at least I smell great


Shave Quality
Too much water today was only part of my problem. I think perhaps the Gillette Rubie doesn't like me or something. I feel like I should have had a less irritating shave. It is a very close shave, but irritation is irritating. (Frustrating too.) The lather was too thin and airy. Next time I need to squeeze more water out of the badger before plopping it into the lather bowl. The lather volume was great, well actually it was too much. I know that I can get better results from the MTO and the Maca Root. Maybe I will give it a go again tomorrow with a different blade.

The MTO is an almost exact copy of my Van der Hagen TTO (Weishi 9306 ). The VdH razor handle is a millimeter or two longer, but they appear to have the same head, which is similar to a Flare Tip Super Speed. I have had decent results from this style head in the past. I know I can get it to work well. Today, however, it didn't. I think the Rubie blade is a dud for me.

Something has changed. Either my lathering has improved or my understanding of quality has changed. I used to think that the Body Shop Maca Root cream was great stuff. Now I feel like it is solidly Tier 2. I still love the scent, but it is a mediocre performer. Also, I think the state of the industry is much better than when I started wetshaving in 2016. Today's soap artisans really understand how to make a killer product that lathers easily and is slicker than a pool of motor oil on a rain soaked highway. I haven't tried the new version of the Body Shop's shaving cream. It still has Maca Root but it also contains Aloe. Maybe it is an improvement? I guess I am just a little surprised at how much this older cream doesn't hold up to the state of the art in shaving soaps. When it is gone I may purchase some of the new formula from the Body Shop to try out, but probably won't. There is so much out there, Stirling and CBL being two of the best examples, that are head and tails above this cream. It is probably not worth it to look back.

I love the original Burberry for Men. It is one of the best fragrances that I have ever encountered, and one that I think should be in every fragrance collection. At least part of the reason why I feel this way is that my wife picked it out for me, and she loves the way it smells coming off of my skin. The scent is flat out amazingly beautiful and well composed. My skin still reacts to the lime in the top notes, so there is some extra burn when I first apply it. I can deal with that because the fragrance is unbeatable. Smelling it makes me happy. Wearing it makes her smile. If I had to wear just one fragrance for the rest of my life, this would probably be the one.

Other Thoughts
Today is my wife's birthday. I am going to get her some nice dinner tonight to go with the nice bottle of wine that we have had aging in the basement for ~10 years. It is going to be a nice low-key evening. Thursday we are going out to our favorite steakhouse to blow the household budget. We would be doing it tonight, but the place is closed on Tuesdays right now. This just means that we get to celebrate on two different days. Could anything be better than that?

Thank you for reading and commenting on my journal. I hope you have a great day and stellar shaves, Cadre.