The Shaving Cadre

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That was the last jar. So had to run to the grocery store so my son could has PB&J at school tomorrow. Apparently "scrape it off the clean wall" was not an acceptable response.
Well not if she’s watching when you do it, it’s not.
Actually I have two. The least psychologically damaging to me 1st. The other one a few days from now if I can bring it up without crying.

Years ago when Sharon and I were newly married, or even dating.... Too far back we rented a little sports car and decided on doing a driving tour vacation around Arizona. AZ is so big that you could spend months seeing all the sights, but we headed North to get out of the heat, and of course did the obligatory Grand Canyon, Sedona, Meteor Crater, Painted Desert, Petrified Forrest, Winslow ( Standing on the Corner ) and of course Williams, and Route 66.

As you may or may not know Route 66 was bypassed by Interstate 40 some time ago, this leaving the longest stretch of the Original Rt.66 still intact from Seligman, AZ to Kingman, AZ 158 miles. Well "Boy-Howdy" being a nostalgia type of guy and having the Song Ringing in my head.. We were going and the hell of those 4 hours I will never live down, and where the "Demon" moniker of my lovely wife Sharon 1st reared it's head.

Armed with every version of this song on a cd ( yes it was that long ago ) i was ready to bring back the open road and fun of a two-lane byway with all the neon, and hot-rods that built this great country. As we approached the turn off, I became more and more excited, so much so that I pulled over just after the off-ramp and grabbed Sharon gave her a big ol kiss and exclaimed
"I am so excited I have goosebumps"
She smiled as she saw how excited I was, and genuinely had the excitement herself..... Or so I thought ( play demonic music now)

We rounded the corner... Angels sang.... There is was it all its neon, old cars, cool gas pumps that stood 10 feet high, and the welcome center to The Famous RT 66!!!!!! We stopped of course and met a Gentlemen by the name of Angel Delgadillo. Name ring a bell? if not it will once you pick yourself off the floor from laughing, as at the time Sharon and I had no idea who this animated old man was, but boy, he was as EXCITED as I was, which sent me even further down my eventual path of shame..... Sharon just smiled......

Delgadillo told us all about this portion being saved and made a historical byway and how long he had been there ( at that time he did not tell me he also ran the barbershop, the gas station, the burger joint, and the motel that were all nostalgic and looking so cool, 50's cruising music wafted through the air.. I was in heaven....Sharon just smiled.....

We bought a ton (OK I bought) a ton of stuff, a map, a shirt, and a book...... That I later found out Angel wrote. After a Burger, fries and a Chocolate Malt, we headed out, never making it to the barber shop, which is ironic as he became one of my barbering idols...Sharon smiled and reminded me to hold back on the cash so we could get something down the road and ate.

Time to beigin our adventure. YAY!!!

1st stop Grand Canyon Caverns... A sign and closed for renovation. That's ok only about 20 miles cool Billboard... Sharon just smiled.....
onto Peach Springs, a little town sure to have peach pie, orchards and more.....So excited....NOTHING.... A Freaking mail box and a sign for Truxton, Valentine and Hackberry. So Cool. I would be seeing that neon soon and a Texaco Sky Chief Gas Pump.......... Sharon just smiled, and turned her head away for a second......

What happened next, and to summarize, the remainder of the 158 miles @ 55MPH, mind you was hell..... perfect for the demon... Sharon now smiled, but could not look at me as I, with each passing mailbox, burnt out building, lone dilapidated sign, or building I became more and more upset, deflated and just plain embarrassed that I was subjecting my wife to my own private meltdown. I did not realize this at the time but, I guess I was verbalizing my frustration, threw the map and that damn $40.00 book in the back seat..... Sharon was now curled in a ball, not facing me.... I could swear I heard her squeaking.....

We completed the journey some 5 hrs after it began and at each city, or I should say a FREAKING sign of a city that no longer existed, I became more and more upset that I had built this up in my mind for so long that it was killing me ( I re-lived it some 15 yrs later, which I will explain later ). We finally passed Valle Vista ( again another sign and a mailbox ).........Sharon was now almost in the wheel well, had not looked at me in over an hour and was now squeaking quite loudly......

We finally entered the back way into Kingman, and a lone Taco Bell was my Oasis for a Soda, some food, and the realization that I was going to have to drive the 158 miles back toward Williams. That would be on the freeway thankfully, and at speeds that should be measured in Mach....... Sharon Bolted to the Bathroom inside the Taco Bell and I went up to order..........

What happened next is literally in the Kingman County Archives and in Ripley's Believe it or not. It started quietly enough, but there was that damn squeaking, which turned into giggling, which turned into laughing, which turned into what I now know as hysteria. Hmmm I wondered what was going on ( yes I was that naive ). I looked around and it hit me! OH GOD that was Sharon, and she had transformed into a screaming laughing demon. So much so that A older lady came out to let the Management staff know that there was a woman in the bathroom, on the floor crying and laughing uncontrollably.

As you can imagine when she came out of the bathroom she was hysterical, I was red from anger, and everyone, I mean EVERYONE was staring and beginning to chuckle because she was still in her fit of laughter. We made it through that, but I had to endure over 20 yrs of jokes, pokes and reminders from "The Demon", and of course laughter all the way from Kingman to Tucson.....Some 307 Miles.


Some years later, this experience buried in my vault, We had some friends that wanted to go on the "Rt 66 Fun Run" which is a car show, and ralley on that Famous stretch that caused me all that pain, an Sharon to evolve into the demon she is today. SHE WAS ALL FOR IT. I had the chance to drive some very vintage cars, take my 67 Camaro and drive a Dodge Viper for the majority of the run. It was fun, but Sharon laughed and poked my the entire time... As a bit of Irony the last stop on the run was a Taco Bell..... Guess which one.

I did not get my kicks on Rt 66, Sharon sure did.
Funny stuff Dave. I have done parts of RT 66 on my way to Albuquerque NM that had slightly more than your run in AZ. Not as exciting as I expected but did have a few things including a few museums.
Actually I have two. The least psychologically damaging to me 1st. The other one a few days from now if I can bring it up without crying.

Years ago when Sharon and I were newly married, or even dating.... Too far back we rented a little sports car and decided on doing a driving tour vacation around Arizona. AZ is so big that you could spend months seeing all the sights, but we headed North to get out of the heat, and of course did the obligatory Grand Canyon, Sedona, Meteor Crater, Painted Desert, Petrified Forrest, Winslow ( Standing on the Corner ) and of course Williams, and Route 66.

As you may or may not know Route 66 was bypassed by Interstate 40 some time ago, this leaving the longest stretch of the Original Rt.66 still intact from Seligman, AZ to Kingman, AZ 158 miles. Well "Boy-Howdy" being a nostalgia type of guy and having the Song Ringing in my head.. We were going and the hell of those 4 hours I will never live down, and where the "Demon" moniker of my lovely wife Sharon 1st reared it's head.

Armed with every version of this song on a cd ( yes it was that long ago ) i was ready to bring back the open road and fun of a two-lane byway with all the neon, and hot-rods that built this great country. As we approached the turn off, I became more and more excited, so much so that I pulled over just after the off-ramp and grabbed Sharon gave her a big ol kiss and exclaimed
"I am so excited I have goosebumps"
She smiled as she saw how excited I was, and genuinely had the excitement herself..... Or so I thought ( play demonic music now)

We rounded the corner... Angels sang.... There is was it all its neon, old cars, cool gas pumps that stood 10 feet high, and the welcome center to The Famous RT 66!!!!!! We stopped of course and met a Gentlemen by the name of Angel Delgadillo. Name ring a bell? if not it will once you pick yourself off the floor from laughing, as at the time Sharon and I had no idea who this animated old man was, but boy, he was as EXCITED as I was, which sent me even further down my eventual path of shame..... Sharon just smiled......

Delgadillo told us all about this portion being saved and made a historical byway and how long he had been there ( at that time he did not tell me he also ran the barbershop, the gas station, the burger joint, and the motel that were all nostalgic and looking so cool, 50's cruising music wafted through the air.. I was in heaven....Sharon just smiled.....

We bought a ton (OK I bought) a ton of stuff, a map, a shirt, and a book...... That I later found out Angel wrote. After a Burger, fries and a Chocolate Malt, we headed out, never making it to the barber shop, which is ironic as he became one of my barbering idols...Sharon smiled and reminded me to hold back on the cash so we could get something down the road and ate.

Time to beigin our adventure. YAY!!!

1st stop Grand Canyon Caverns... A sign and closed for renovation. That's ok only about 20 miles cool Billboard... Sharon just smiled.....
onto Peach Springs, a little town sure to have peach pie, orchards and more.....So excited....NOTHING.... A Freaking mail box and a sign for Truxton, Valentine and Hackberry. So Cool. I would be seeing that neon soon and a Texaco Sky Chief Gas Pump.......... Sharon just smiled, and turned her head away for a second......

What happened next, and to summarize, the remainder of the 158 miles @ 55MPH, mind you was hell..... perfect for the demon... Sharon now smiled, but could not look at me as I, with each passing mailbox, burnt out building, lone dilapidated sign, or building I became more and more upset, deflated and just plain embarrassed that I was subjecting my wife to my own private meltdown. I did not realize this at the time but, I guess I was verbalizing my frustration, threw the map and that damn $40.00 book in the back seat..... Sharon was now curled in a ball, not facing me.... I could swear I heard her squeaking.....

We completed the journey some 5 hrs after it began and at each city, or I should say a FREAKING sign of a city that no longer existed, I became more and more upset that I had built this up in my mind for so long that it was killing me ( I re-lived it some 15 yrs later, which I will explain later ). We finally passed Valle Vista ( again another sign and a mailbox ).........Sharon was now almost in the wheel well, had not looked at me in over an hour and was now squeaking quite loudly......

We finally entered the back way into Kingman, and a lone Taco Bell was my Oasis for a Soda, some food, and the realization that I was going to have to drive the 158 miles back toward Williams. That would be on the freeway thankfully, and at speeds that should be measured in Mach....... Sharon Bolted to the Bathroom inside the Taco Bell and I went up to order..........

What happened next is literally in the Kingman County Archives and in Ripley's Believe it or not. It started quietly enough, but there was that damn squeaking, which turned into giggling, which turned into laughing, which turned into what I now know as hysteria. Hmmm I wondered what was going on ( yes I was that naive ). I looked around and it hit me! OH GOD that was Sharon, and she had transformed into a screaming laughing demon. So much so that A older lady came out to let the Management staff know that there was a woman in the bathroom, on the floor crying and laughing uncontrollably.

As you can imagine when she came out of the bathroom she was hysterical, I was red from anger, and everyone, I mean EVERYONE was staring and beginning to chuckle because she was still in her fit of laughter. We made it through that, but I had to endure over 20 yrs of jokes, pokes and reminders from "The Demon", and of course laughter all the way from Kingman to Tucson.....Some 307 Miles.


Some years later, this experience buried in my vault, We had some friends that wanted to go on the "Rt 66 Fun Run" which is a car show, and ralley on that Famous stretch that caused me all that pain, an Sharon to evolve into the demon she is today. SHE WAS ALL FOR IT. I had the chance to drive some very vintage cars, take my 67 Camaro and drive a Dodge Viper for the majority of the run. It was fun, but Sharon laughed and poked my the entire time... As a bit of Irony the last stop on the run was a Taco Bell..... Guess which one.

I did not get my kicks on Rt 66, Sharon sure did.
That certainly is a funny story Dave! Thanks for sharing!