The Shaving Cadre

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I've done lot's of stupid things, but most aren't really that entertaining.

First time I broke my nose was in 5th grade. Showing off I could do a front flip with no springboard and flipped to fast smacking into my own knee.
Lots of BMX wrecks that ended up with some kind of scar.
Carrying a piece of pipe so heavy it dislocated my collarbone but still worked all day after that. Never got it fixed so it's nice and arthritic now.
Pulled on a spud wrench so hard when the end broke off it hit me in the chin and chipped my jaw bone.
Got my glove ("safety" equipment) caught in a machine that was shut off, and the power locked out cutting off a finger.
Broke my nose when a drill caught.
Shot a nail through a board into my finger.
Broke both hands at least twice at some point or another. (All separately, not together.)
Picked up the end of a bar joist to flip it off the pile and the other end caught and threw is back into my leg leaving a nice S shaped gash.
Stepped on a few nails. One that I remember went all the way through. That one I was about 8 I think.
Cut a piece of angle iron with a torch, bent down to pick up the piece and stood back up into the end I just cut with my arm.
Got a finger between a piece of pipe I was driving as a stake and the 10 pound sledge hammer.
1/2 inch long metal splinter about 1/8 inch thick shoved completely into the side of my thumb.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I know there has been at least 5 times that....

Don't do many jokes on people other than a bit of ribbing, and don't fall for many, so not much of that to tell other than the glove one most of you guys have already heard.

Oh, I was rock climbing one time. Just bouldering so I didn't have any of my ropes set up. Was about 15 feet up coming around an overhang. I grabbed this one hold that was a perfect fit for the nub, pushed out with my feet a little and let go with the other hand to go for the next hold. As soon as I pushed to reach the one I had a hold of broke off. Even coming straight out I managed to get my feet under me enough to hit with them first and go into a backwards roll instead of smashing down head first.

Just boring injuries for me really haha.

Yikes, Shawn!

My story hearkens back to my reckless youth (22) when I was sport parachuting with a fellow reckless Navy friend. Our drop zone used Cessna 206s which required us to position ourselves on our left butt cheek while holding the door frame, with our legs dangling out. We would hurl ourselves out by heaving with our arms, leaning forward so we would end up face down. It was my 3rd or 4th jump, I think, because I was still on a static line, which pulls the ripcord for you. All you need do is drop. I must have been leaning back somewhat on exit, or else my head was not tucked enough, but my exit found me back to earth, but falling nicely. Then I saw the pilot chute, a small parachute that pulls the big one out of the backpack, coming up between my legs. "Uh oh," I thought, and spread my legs wider to keep the main chute from getting tangled up in my legs. Fortunately, it didn't. 3000 feet about Antioch, CA one summer day in 1979, that chute zoomed up between my legs and cracked me like a whip. It all took about 1-2 seconds, but it was memorable. The next day my jumping buddy, who was still laughing about it, gave me a prescription for Darvocet for "parachutist pains" (he was a corpsman). I swear that I was 2" taller for about a week!
Ok, since I've enjoyed reading everyone's embarrassing moments I guess I should ante up.

The first was me working a pair of nun chuks when the chain kinked landing a nice blow to the eye with an instant big black eye. You can't hide that so I made up this outrageous story of getting into a fight at the grocery store with this dude over the last package of ground chuck.

My second takes me all the way back to high school. I was involved in an art project where we sculpted this bronze statue of a Gothic type lion and a true to life roman soldier. I was heavily involved doing the lion's face, paws, head mane, soldier's face, hands, feet and sword. This was a life sized sculpture and we'd raised all the money to get this thing cast in bronze. It was the talk of our small town. All through the process a guy named Billy was filming behind the scene footage and was a real pest. I'm trying to sculpt this lion paw and this guy's pestering me so I put a piece of clay in my fist to look like a middle finger and flipped him off. Now mind you, the clay is sort of a light brown so not that far off from flesh tones especially on a VHS camcorder in so-so lighting.

As the lead sculptor my parents were proud as anything. We had this big presentation at the school where all the local dignitaries and school big wigs showed up. Everyone's parents were there including mine. The lights dimmed and this very nice video presentation was on the huge projection screen. Oh how nice. So I'm watching this thing and standing next to Billy and something familiar starts to materialize. There's Billy pestering me while I'm....oh no...I'm working on the lion's paw! Yup, you guess it, next comes the scene of me "flipping" off Billy to the whole community. Gasps filled the entire auditorium and I grabbed Billy and tossed him out in the hallway, slammed him up against the wall and then we both started laughing. I intended to teach him a lesson, but wow, how can you not laugh. Yup, I'd essentially flipped off my entire school, the Board, and the entire community. The statue still sits out in front of the school today. The outstretched paw is the famous paw I was working on when I properly embarrassed myself and my parents and probably a couple dozen other people.
Well, I can't take all the credit for the sculpture. Others did other parts of it, I just got all the detailed parts. The sculptress I worked under made me do everything by making the bones, putting on the muscles and tendons based on anatomy books and then skin & fur. I got the paw done and she came over to look at it and then proceeded to take a knife and cut off 3 inches saying it was too long. She was right, but ouch I had to start over. She offered me an apprenticeship but I was 18 and had my whole life ahead of me so I turned it down. Talk about a missed opportunity. Making pottery is as close as I get to sculpting these days. really want to read about the stupid things people do?

I gotta know I'm in good company or else I'd think I was the only one on earth to have stupid thing stories
I accidentally shaved with a "dummy" blade in my Schick Injector and marveled to myself through most of the shave at my awesome technique.
I accidentally shaved with a "dummy" blade in my Schick Injector and marveled to myself through most of the shave at my awesome technique.
At least it wasn’t the cardboard dummy blade in a GEM!
I accidentally shaved with a "dummy" blade in my Schick Injector and marveled to myself through most of the shave at my awesome technique.

That's almost like me when I mowed my lawn and thought the yard was looking good and realized I didn't have the mower deck lowered!
Well I have never gotten so many eye rolls from my wife in one evening. I did a number today lol!

So we buy the Kirkland brand creamy peanut butter that requires stirring and then refrigeration after opening. My wife calls me up to stir the new jar and get the oils all mixed well. This is a tiring job as you know to get it all mixed well otherwise the bottom of the jar is just not good. To do the job right takes a few minutes of stirring. Well a light bulb went off and I grabbed the electric mixer put one beater in and thinking push it to the bottom and turn on low to mix from the bottom to the top and let electricity do the job. Well guys in order to do this ONE must hold onto the jar of said peanut butter. I literally COVERED the kitchen and myself in peanut butter and oil. Oh and we have hard wood floors so guess who also ended up on the floor? Yup yours truly. Yeah so I had to clean the kitchen. And got plenty head shakes during the process.
Well I have never gotten so many eye rolls from my wife in one evening. I did a number today lol!

So we buy the Kirkland brand creamy peanut butter that requires stirring and then refrigeration after opening. My wife calls me up to stir the new jar and get the oils all mixed well. This is a tiring job as you know to get it all mixed well otherwise the bottom of the jar is just not good. To do the job right takes a few minutes of stirring. Well a light bulb went off and I grabbed the electric mixer put one beater in and thinking push it to the bottom and turn on low to mix from the bottom to the top and let electricity do the job. Well guys in order to do this ONE must hold onto the jar of said peanut butter. I literally COVERED the kitchen and myself in peanut butter and oil. Oh and we have hard wood floors so guess who also ended up on the floor? Yup yours truly. Yeah so I had to clean the kitchen. And got plenty head shakes during the process.
Thanks for that laugh Chad. That was a good one!

I assume that also means you also need to stir yet another jar as you plastered that one all over the kitchen?
That was the last jar. So had to run to the grocery store so my son could has PB&J at school tomorrow. Apparently "scrape it off the clean wall" was not an acceptable response.
That was the last jar. So had to run to the grocery store so my son could has PB&J at school tomorrow. Apparently "scrape it off the clean wall" was not an acceptable response.
i could see myself receiving a similar answer to a similar idea lol.
I laughed so hard my wife had to ask what I was laughing at! This is something I totally would do! Thanks for the laugh Chad @Cvargo !