The Shaving Cadre

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When it all goes wrong

You’re just lucky someone didn’t call the cops!
Small town. Would have taken them a while to get there, and then they'd have known who I was as soon as they got there anyway. So wasn't real worried about that.

There are probably more people on a block out your way than there are in the whole township here. Our county has more deer than people.
Suck you had to go in on a Saturday. Hopefully they won't need your assistance today. Stay warm man...I know it'scold in your neck of the woods!
We have been waiting for some parts for a molding machine at work. when we ordered them they told us the only parts that they had in stock stateside were the two thick retaining washers. The rest would have to be hunted down from overseas suppliers. We got every part except the two retaining washers.... So I made some this morning to be able to put it back together. Ups came about 20 minutes later and guess what they had.......
Anyway, we got the beam lift motors all put back together, I made a new piece and adjusted the limit switch so that it couldn't travel too far and break it again, and everything appeared to be good. Well now the pressure rollers aren't moving. So we look at that. End up tearing that assembly out to find that the bearings have gone and destroyed the housing and the shaft... So more parts on order.

Then I get home and my oven temperature sensor is here. Finally.... I ordered an "in stock" part online 3 weeks ago. I got it online because I had to contact Sears to get the stinking model number that has changed in only 4 years and there is no sticker anywhere on the stove.
They gave me an order number and took my money, then all of a sudden it was on backorder with no expected date. Finally I get an email that it has been shipped and supposed to be delivered Tues. Check tracking Mon. morning and it is in route, on time. Check Tues night after work when it wasn't here, and it was in route but delayed.
Finally get it today, put it in, and that's not the part that was bad despite the troubleshooting pointing to it. So a call to the parts house, a 45 minute drive, and $65 later, I FINALLY have a working oven again.
Well had an interesting game today. As many of you know I referee highschool football and basketball. Today in basketball game I had a technical foul on a player 5 seconds into the game. Yes it might be a record.

As the player is driving to the hoop he thinks he is fouled. Turns to me and says, "you gonna call the f-ing foul or are you blind" he then proceeded to clap in my face.

Easy T. While at the table the coach asks what happened I told him, and he said, " little early in the game for that isn't it?"

My response, coach not sure how you let your players talk to you but I won't let people disrespect me like that, good luck rest of the way.

Coach was pretty irate. He didn't make it to halftime before being ejected.

Ssportsmanship is dead.
Wow! If I had known I could DRIVE to the hoop I shave been playing basketball this whole time. And believe me, I would be me sportsman while doing it...I might even use my signals and let others go first at the 4-way stop. ...Driving to the basket then clapping in your face, guy was probably just really happy.