The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Owner Announcement What I love about TSC. (1 Year Anniversary)

Like Nurse Dave it’s hard for me to write this post without getting sappy. You guys have been such a comfort to me during some pretty rough patches. I can only pray that I too can do the same for someone else. We seem to attract good people and I hope that continues. Our hobby is white hot, and there is a crowded field of people making user groups. Ours is unique and I feel confident we can continue to attract good people, and make good people better.
It's you guys that make this place special. Seriously, it is. This forum has a camaraderie that other forums lack. I consider you friends. I hope to meet each of you. Yes, even Monkey!
I appreciate the candor & chiding that happens here. It's been said before, but the banter is great here. That's what keeps me coming back. Thank you fellow Cadre members, & a big, big thank you Chad, Chris, & Dave!

Oh yeah, and we talk shaving stuff too!
I'm very glad that I was introduced to the Cadre. I may not always post a lot, not I do read a lot and have increased my knowledge exponentially. Everyone's generosity is truly commendable, and I'm not just talking about sharing stuff, but especially about sharing knowledge and experience. Every aspect of TSC is unique and and enjoyable because of the membership. Thank you everyone.
My turn on the couch.....


I got into wet shaving about 5 years ago. Being a research junkie I hit the Web. I came across a site that gave me the chance to meet some of you. Over time I built a bond with those who I served with at the other place. When I got word that they had built this place I was more than happy to join. The folks here are some of the finest I know.


In my real life my job is all consuming. Don't get me wrong I love what I do but being on 24/7 dealing with people on a very real emotional level is very draining. This place allows me a great place to drop my guard and blow off steam. It is the cheapest form of therapy around.
Dave, Chris and Chad thanks for a great oasis.

I'll leave my nickel here...
As a flintknapper, I'm accustomed to a great community and a brotherhood. I can travel from coast to coast and stay for free with my flintknapping brothers. I'd not found anything like that until I found TSC. Shawn was urging me to join the forum to get Chad to shave off his goatee but I dragged my feet thinking I didn't need another thing to keep track of. When I finally did join I found a duplicate community to my flintknapping community. I was welcomed in without all that chest thumping "I'm greater than you" type of pecking order stuff that you see in other forums a lot. The PIF concept was something I thought was the shining jewel of this forum. I'd never seen such a generous bunch of guys. I can say for certain that I would not have journeyed into wet shaving without Shawn's generosity in PIFs and I wouldn't be where I am today without TSC's generous and giving spirit. Ok, the sappiness is not causing a few mammoth hairs to fall out.

One thing nobody has really touched on yet is the friendly ribbing. If you've ever been in the military or a small group of disciplined guys, the good natured ribbing is part of the fun you have to relieve the high stress you are under. In other forums you can't do this or people get offended and take things personally, but here at TSC we roll with it. This is good, and I enjoy dishing out some ribbing as well as receiving some. Somehow the owners have cultivated this spirit and the members have not abused it making it work. My mammoth hair tails are the source of friendly ribbing and a chance for me to make fun of myself as well. It's all in good spirit and it creates an important part of THE spirit of TSC.

The other thing that I really like about TSC is the wealth of free flowing knowledge here. There's not a "know-it-all" on this forum and the guys that are the real Jedi's of wet shaving don't act like it and are very humble. I've learned everything I have from many of you and in turn hope my journey passes that process on to others who may be just learning.

To the owners: You guys are doing something right. Thank you for all the work that goes into the TSC. It's more than any of us know probably.
Don't look KJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha Dave, my notice from Flint MI says Friday!