A modern day Gentleman's scent. All class. If I were to keep one for all year round wear, it would be this competing with Amouage Honor Man and I think Noir Argent would pull slightly ahead. A quick burst of citrus & pepper in the opening that dissipates quickly into the leather and saffron notes. Later, that leather is slightly less pronounced yet still there with a lovely patchouli, myrrh and vetiver with a subdued sweetness that is truly amazing. In my humble opinion, this juice should be in every man's collection. A remarkable creation from Issey Miyake.Issey Miyake Nuit d'Issey Noir Argent
I said it before, I've yet to try a Versace frag that I didn't like. Great juice!@MarkB I really like VPH - especially in the summer. And it is so affordable- double bonus! Great choice my friend!