The Shaving Cadre

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What does your Forum Name Mean or Stand for ??

Dave in KY

Shave Newbie
So mine is pretty straight forward and some are easily figured out, but what's your name generated from or represent. Yes even Tim should put his story in here for the record, even though I know it and I laugh at his whenever I think of it.

Mine, "Dave in KY" is because I'm Dave and because I now reside in the state of Kentucky not because I like or am in a vat of petroleum jelly.
At my first duty assignment in the military, it was a computer based job. After getting to know me for a while, people started calling me Dagwood, after the character from the comic strip "Blondie". We had to have a "Z" somewhere in our name to designate the section we were working in, so that's where Dagwoodz came from...and it's been going strong for almost 20 years now.
My call sign in the Air Force was Spider-Man. Why? Because I keep tarantulas as pets. I have a lot of them, like around 80 currently. A few people at my last duty station just called me spider and I liked that so I went with that here. I wanted a change from my old username with the new forum.
Been waiting for you to introduce us to some of them in that other thread. A video would be good with info on what it takes to maintain and care for them. I'm sure it's a little more involved then a cat or dog.
Mine is the most loyal friend Wyatt Earp had in the movie Tombstone and my birthday. I love that movie and identified a lot with Doc’s character.
You were born in 31?
This is so interesting loved to read everyone’s reply ?
mine is easy... and a bit boring. But it works
P for my name (Patricia)
schoe (first part of my last name)
I had to use something I’ll be able to remember even when I’m 99 one day?
Mine came from a college nickname. In my junior year, one of my roommates started calling me Don Juan Quijote (he was a native Spanish speaker and insisted that it was Quijote instead of Quixote where he was from). Well, I shortened it over time to now just be Quijote.
The name "Dangerous Don" comes from my days in the Marine Corps. I was a Corporal at the time and was in charge of some guys who were guarding some ammo and weapons. One of my guys abandoned his post and in the Marine Corps that is one of the worst things you can do. Let's just say that I did something in the corrective fashion. From that time on, I was known as Dangerous Don. The name stuck even when I got out and into my career in the Army National Guard also. When I was deployed to Afghanistan, I ran into some guys in the Marine Corps that belonged to the same unit I was in. We knew mutual people and evidently my name lived on...somehow they knew me by reputation. It was very weird.
The name "Dangerous Don" comes from my days in the Marine Corps. I was a Corporal at the time and was in charge of some guys who were guarding some ammo and weapons. One of my guys abandoned his post and in the Marine Corps that is one of the worst things you can do. Let's just say that I did something in the corrective fashion. From that time on, I was known as Dangerous Don. The name stuck even when I got out and into my career in the Army National Guard also. When I was deployed to Afghanistan, I ran into some guys in the Marine Corps that belonged to the same unit I was in. We knew mutual people and evidently my name lived on...somehow they knew me by reputation. It was very weird.
This requires the full story of "corrective fashion" get it declassified !!
I guess this makes me the nerd. This name has been my gamer tag for many years. I like mechanical doodads like geared watches and I appreciate the film noir style of the silver screen.
Mine is easy and boring... First initial, last name. (Yes, it was "interesting" growing up with this last name...)

And my forum icon is an avatar that i have been using for well over a decade now. I first used it back when I had a LiveJournal account in the early 2000's.
Mine is easy and boring... First initial, last name. (Yes, it was "interesting" growing up with this last name...)

And my forum icon is an avatar that i have been using for well over a decade now. I first used it back when I had a LiveJournal account in the early 2000's.
I would expect simple from you being the 3017 King