The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Various Acquisition Disorder Enablement anti-Restraint-VADER


I Blame Dave
Are you a collector of various shaving soaps, razors or brushes? Does the idea of a COLD TURKEY restraint terrify you but you know you need to set limits? Did you TRY a restraint and FAIL? Maybe you don’t need a restrain you are just looking for a way to make it all a little more fun? Then this Various Addiction Disorder Enablers anti-Restraint (VADER) is for you!

Welcome to the VADER

The rules are simple.
1. You may buy or trade any shave related product or service during the VADER but you must remain within your VADER budget. Every dime spent, including tax and shipping, counts toward your VADER expenses. Every dime earned from selling or returning a shaving related item adds to your VADER budget. Your NET expenses for the VADER period must not exceed your pre-established VADER budget …EVER. Sell on the BST to build your VADER budget and buy more stuff!

2. GIFT cards CAN be spent like free funds. It’s like winning the lottery, go spend it!

3. Sample it if you got it! You may always sample or test drive any item purchased, regardless of who it is for. BUT, unless it is part of one of the exceptions, the expense counts toward your VADER budget.

4. Post restraint rebound spending (restocking) counts toward your VADER budget. *This is an excellent way to avoid to rebound purchases following a restraint or sabbatical in which you avoided all purchases.

5. EBay purchases (or sales) must be completed during the VADER period to count. This means bidding on an item that will be won (or sold) after the VADER will not impact your budget. Same applies to listings/purchases on the buy-sell-trade.

6. Posting of recent purchases in the “What’s new to you” thread is encouraged.

Members may make the following purchases without affecting your VADER Budget (reselling these items will not add to your budget either)
1. TSC group buys or TSC branded shaving purchases. These items must be advertised on behalf of TSC to qualify. In an effort to stay true to the spirit of the VADER (you know, honor the force), these purchases must be made with reckless abandon. BUY anything and everything that supports, promotes or just makes you think about TSC.

2. PIF’s. Any expense incurred as a result of a TSC member PIF are exempt. PIFing and item does not add to your VADER Budget. Any items purchased SPECIFICALLY for the purpose of a PIF are excluded from the VADER Budget. (Don’t forget the “sample it if you got it rule…buy for a PIF, sample then PIF)

3. Shipping expenses related to TSC soap sample swaps or item pass-around are excluded from your VADER Budget (as are any expenses incurred in the furthering of the friendly culture of TSC - Use your own judgement here)
The VADER is perfect for those looking to bring some sanity back to their wild acquisition disorders by establishing a budget and making it fun to stick to. The VADER is a great accompaniment to longer sabbaticals that may allow exceptions and restocking; you will still have to comply with the original sabbatical but you may be able to curtail your overall rebound spending and over-indulgence.
Everybody gains a little bit over the holidays, don’t let your recent acquisitions get you down. Join the dark side, join the VADER and spend, spend, spend …within your budget.
How to Join the VADER:
Add your name to the list (copy the most current version and add your name) AND indicate what Acquisition Disorders are covered by your budget and the time frame for which your budget will apply. You may choose to show your budget, and even keep us updated on your budgets progress, but there is no requirement to do so. You might choose to keep your budget private and ONLY update us as to what percent of your original budget you have spent or have left.
Say a private pledge to promising to adhere to your budget (under penalty of heavy Vegetal application) and you’re in.

The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY
So this is the one I was looking for! Thanks Chris. First off is your budget $200 per day? WOW!!!

What is the time frame on this? If this is for the 2019 year then my budget is $400 yup I am SLOWING down. Just $100 per quarter.

The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
I have to say, I am proud of myself for staying within my budget today. I bought 13 Stirling synthetic brushes and a tub of Bonaparte shave soap, got close but still have some wiggle room. The brushes will be part of some gift packages.
Interesting, but you put this up too late as I joined the other thingy already. So am I able to join this after I fail the 6 month and a day "S" thingy or after I complete that? When is entry closed for 2019?
Interesting, but you put this up too late as I joined the other thingy already. So am I able to join this after I fail the 6 month and a day "S" thingy or after I complete that? When is entry closed for 2019?
VADER is a great backup and its always available.
The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
3) Kevdogg329 $200 - through all of 2019
4) Aaron $25 - for all of 2019 but $0 in the first quarter
The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
3) Kevdogg329 $200 - through all of 2019
4) Aaron $25 - for all of 2019 but $0 in the first quarter
5) DocHoliday 500$ for the entire year for myself. Bath/face bars and balm for the goatee do not count.
The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
3) Kevdogg329 $200 - through all of 2019
4) Aaron $25 - for all of 2019 but $0 in the first quarter
5) DocHoliday 500$ for the entire year for myself. Bath/face bars and balm for the goatee do not count.
6) Quijote $100 for all year
Wow! Some crazy aspirations here...on both sides of the pendulum. Now this is something I can do! I just need to figure out exactly what I want to do.
This is my kind of System. It’s like managing a sports team. I am in.
I might have to set my budget a little high. I am on the wait list for a CG Razor.

The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
3) Kevdogg329 $200 - through all of 2019
4) Aaron $25 - for all of 2019 but $0 in the first quarter
5) DocHoliday 500$ for the entire year for myself. Bath/face bars and balm for the goatee do not count.
6) Quijote $100 for all year
7) Sharps $400 for 2019
Challenge accepted. I think I would be have been good with VADER last year too. Been good with the ADs so this should be interesting. Now my question is the CBL soaps going into CB's VADER budget????? That could be a HUGE advantage LOL

The List
1)CBLindsay $200 budget for ALL shaving Items per DAY -through all of 2019
2) cvargo $400 for 2019 year Shaving items only -through all of 2019
3) Kevdogg329 $200 - through all of 2019
4) Aaron $25 - for all of 2019 but $0 in the first quarter
5) DocHoliday 500$ for the entire year for myself. Bath/face bars and balm for the goatee do not count.
6) Quijote $100 for all year
7) Sharps $400 for 2019
8) sskim3 - $100 for 2019
My personal VADER budget won't include the CBL soap operations. With some of the planned capital expenditures planned, i don't think there will be much left to supplement the purchases.
I don't have a lot on my current wish list but I do think I am ready to do some den cleaning, I might just come out ahead.
My personal VADER budget won't include the CBL soap operations. With some of the planned capital expenditures planned, i don't think there will be much left to supplement the purchases.
I don't have a lot on my current wish list but I do think I am ready to do some den cleaning, I might just come out ahead.

Well you gave yourself a limit of $200 per day. So I hope you come out ahead
Question. Can shave equipment be supplemented buy the selling of none shaving hobby stuff?
Selling of a Signed Hank Arron Basball
selling a Antique Watch
Selling Nibs.

To buy shave related gear?
Question. Can shave equipment be supplemented buy the selling of none shaving hobby stuff? \nSelling of a Signed Hank Arron Basball\nselling a Antique Watch\nSelling Nibs. \n\nTo buy shave related gear?
\nJimmy already searching for a loophole. Just set you budget higher ??
Question. Can shave equipment be supplemented buy the selling of none shaving hobby stuff? \nSelling of a Signed Hank Arron Basball\nselling a Antique Watch\nSelling Nibs. \n\nTo buy shave related gear?
\nif the items you are selling are “hobby” or “collection” related items i would say yes. Selling random household items would not count. That’s something an addict would do, if you find yourself selling (pawning) your kids game system to buy shaving gear you got problems.
if the items you are selling are “hobby” or “collection” related items i would say yes. Selling random household items would not count. That’s something an addict would do, if you find yourself selling (pawning) your kids game system to buy shaving gear you got problems.

Darn it...guess I should go get those shoes back...
I use the barter and in trade system for everything. I swap my time for a paycheck with my company and then trade that for shave stuff. So nothing I buy really counts!