1. CVargo - 2 Coins - Yes
2. BarberDave - 2 Coins - Yes
3. CBLindsay - 2 Coins - Yes
4. dkeester - 1 Coin - Yes
5. NurseDave - 1 Coin - No
6. Heysi - 1 Coin - No (had to decrease the amount...thought I could get numbers 68 - because my birth year - and 69 - because funny)
7. Fenster - 1 coin- yes
8. OpusX - 1 coin - No
9. Spider - 2 coins - Yes
10. Scuttlesoap - 1 coin -Yes
11. Bill M - 1 coin - No
12. GearNoir - 1 coin - Yes only if there is a 0 numbered coin, otherwise no
13. ED3054 - 1 coin - Yes - No
14 MarkB - 1 coin - No
15. Graybeard57 - 1 coin
16. Majorrich - 1 coin - Yes (if we need to order more to get to 50, I’ll chip in for an extra)
17. Blade-meister - 1 coin - No
18. Smattayu - 1 coin - - No
19. uacowboy - 1 coin - yes