The Shaving Cadre

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Tips, Tricks, and Must Haves for a New Dad!

Okay...if you haven't heard by now...I am having a baby. Umm...Scratch that...My Wife is having a baby! I am just along for the ride...wait...that didn't come out right either. Okay, seriously.

I am a first time the wise old (emphasis on old) age of 47...I know I have my challenges ahead of me. So yeah...dangerousdon needs to buckle up! Because this train ain't stopping anytime soon!

Anyway...I am soliciting the help of the Cadre...Men...Women...and two or four legged furry creatures. I mean, I have to include @Dave in KY in the conversation...right?

I have already received help from the Cadre on the acquisition of a baby monitor. But I thought...why stop there? The Cadre is a wealth of knowledge. A lot of Fathers and Grandparents around here. So there has to be this untapped resources of good advice...right?

So if you happen to see this thread and you have tip or a trick or a gadget or some other item that will make my life a whole lot easier...please...I beg of a clueless first time father out!
Well my wife Alicia laughed when she heard this.. She offered this advice.. Dont panic... Breath and always make sure to have extra clothes for the baby and for you because you will get almost every body fluid known on yourself.... But most of all Laugh and enjoy it because it will pass so fast it will seem like they just came into your life when they are grown and having a family of their own.. Our oldest will be 13 next year and it seems like only yesterday when he was born... Always let them know how much they mean to you.. But. Also dont forget to pay attention to your significant other also because sometimes they get put on the back burner because you focus all your attention on the new arrival... Even if its nothing more than bringing them flowers or saying I love you.
Well my wife Alicia laughed when she heard this.. She offered this advice.. Dont panic... Breath and always make sure to have extra clothes for the baby and for you because you will get almost every body fluid known on yourself.... But most of all Laugh and enjoy it because it will pass so fast it will seem like they just came into your life when they are grown and having a family of their own.. Our oldest will be 13 next year and it seems like only yesterday when he was born... Always let them know how much they mean to you.. But. Also dont forget to pay attention to your significant other also because sometimes they get put on the back burner because you focus all your attention on the new arrival... Even if its nothing more than bringing them flowers or saying I love you.
This is really good advice! Thanks!
That’s a lot of baby clothes Don. Your wife has a problem. Seriously. Do you have a cat, a squirrel or something she can dress? She’s gonna keep buying until she puts something in there.

and I’m going to admit I became a diaper snob, it was Kirkland or naked for me. But they don’t make infant so you must survive those days. I don’t like plastic outsides because they make me sweat. Luvs are the worst but they are a great price. I do believe however my wife bought target brand and we used the gift cards. Now with their order online and drive up pick up you can save a ton. Wonder if Amazon is getting into the baby business after the Corona-babies are born (they held off making them so far but it’s summer time now baby that won’t be able to hold off any longer...corona baby boom Christmas 2021 diapers by Amazon?)
The best diaper brand depends on the kid. Luvs were terrible and Pampers were great for our first but it was the other way around for our second. Just start cheap and move up until you find a good one.
Whatever you do, don’t by outlet covers. You don’t need them until she’s crawling, and that will be at least 6 months. Besides, someone will give you a 40 pack.

Don’t go crazy buying clothes because she’ll grow so fast that she’ll outgrow what you buy in no time. Think functional. She won’t care what she’s wearing and you won’t care how much she spits up on it.

Don’t stock up on diapers either. I still have a case of size 1 diapers that my youngest decided to outgrow before we could open it. Oh, and get a good, reliable thermometer. Good ones are worth their weight in Gold and you’ll be glad you have it when you need it. The infrared or forehead versions are probably the most accurate.
That’s a lot of baby clothes Don. Your wife has a problem. Seriously. Do you have a cat, a squirrel or something she can dress? She’s gonna keep buying until she puts something in there.

and I’m going to admit I became a diaper snob, it was Kirkland or naked for me. But they don’t make infant so you must survive those days. I don’t like plastic outsides because they make me sweat. Luvs are the worst but they are a great price. I do believe however my wife bought target brand and we used the gift cards. Now with their order online and drive up pick up you can save a ton. Wonder if Amazon is getting into the baby business after the Corona-babies are born (they held off making them so far but it’s summer time now baby that won’t be able to hold off any longer...corona baby boom Christmas 2021 diapers by Amazon?)
I don't know if target still does it but when we signed up for the baby registry they give you a free 20 or 25 dollar gift card...a And when it came to diapers the twins did well with the parents choice brand from walmart... The white cloud diapers are so thin that they really are not any good
So I have a list of books that I am trying to get through. Next up...and just started: Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems by Richard Ferber, M.D.
Oh, and get a good, reliable thermometer. Good ones are worth their weight in Gold and you’ll be glad you have it when you need it. The infrared or forehead versions are probably the most accurate.
The most effective ad I ever saw was a cartoon baby crawling with a worried look on its face - you want to take my temperature WHERE???

that said, back in the day, a nurse or doc wouldn't accept any temperature I took unless it was taken rectally. I don't know if things have changed since the paleolithic.