The Shaving Cadre

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Tips, Tricks, and Must Haves for a New Dad!

I don’t know if the still make them or if they are totally standard equipment now but we had this little changing table like thing that hung on the far edge of the crib (the side usually against the wall) and had a sort of Hinge or pivot at that end too. It spanned across the crib to the side nearest where you would normally drop the side and/or reach in and grab the little one. Our crib had a drop side that dropped about 6 inches to make it easier for us shortly’ s to reach in. When the side was dropped the changing table would lay flat (when the side was raised it was not flat because the hanging side had a 6” drop.). Since the crib is alway longer than the kid needs it to be this table was in a perfect spot but it was designed to easily be removed and hung from the side of the crib until needed if you wanted. In fact, that was probably the intention. We left it in place and hung a little rack that held powders, diaper creams wipes etc and a bag like thing full of diapers from the end of the crib. But that changing table was perfect for us...4 kids over a span of 12 years (or something like that)mm

And @dangerousdon I’ll make you a 4 or 6 ounce tin of the special cream. I think I made some for Sadie’s bum (didn’t I @Cvargo ?) so I should probably make you some too ...besides, it sounds like you’ve given me plenty of procrastination time to not get it done.
Thanks Chris! That changing table sounds pretty awesome...and useful. I'll have to keep an eye out for it!
My grandmother kept my dad in a padded drawer when he first came home from the hospital. Just sayin’ there’s options.
Thanks for all the great info! And glad to hear the baby is doing well! That is the best part of this post!'s a given that we are getting the Breeza...but I didn't know that it has a one year take back policy...that's really good to know.

Just as an FYI, the company itself doesn't have that type of return policy. I was referring to the baby registry return policy - for example, we had the Brezza on our BuyBuyBaby registry, and if someone (even yourself) purchased the item off the registry, you had a full year to return the item as opposed to the standard 60 days. Think all our registries (BBB, Target, Amazon) offered the 1 year return window. Basically if there were items we wanted but didn't necessarily register for, we still added it to the registry after-the-fact and purchased it for ourselves to have that nice long return window.

Okay the Snoo Bassinet. I just saw this in a review the other day and I thought it was ingenious. Until I saw the price ($1,400.00...Yowza!)! I am sure they are worth their weight in gold but it is still a little hard to stomach. But being that they are really sought after...I am sure if well kept it can be sold on something like Poshmark or Ebay. As a side note...You can actually rent the Snoo Bassinet from the website for $3.90 a day ($118 a month for minimum of a month).

Indeed the rental option is nice. Wife's cousin did that on their third kid and her testimony is what got it on the radar for us. We were planning on waiting for the 30% off sale as we're on the first kid and plan to have a couple more, so spreading the money out across 2 or 3 kids made purchasing easier to stomach. Receiving it as a gift from the inlaws was a very welcomed surprise, especially to our checking account!

We were told by many friends and family to make sure to evaluate all diaper options before committing to a massive box of any brand. We've come to love the Target Up&Up diapers. They are (of course) noticeably cheaper in quality vs Huggies, Pampers, or Kirkland, but are 10 cents a diaper with the Red Card 15% subscription discount, which is 60% cheaper than Huggies and Pampers (which average between 21 and 24 cents each) and 38% cheaper than Kirkland (which are 16 cents each.) We've only had one blow out so far and it was so bad that there is no way any brand would have been able to hang on. We've been limited to newborn and size 1 so far (Kirkland doesn't even make newborn size which is odd) but haven't had any issues with Up&Up and the savings is MASSIVE! Same goes for their diaper wipes - signficiantly cheaper per wipe then even Kirkland, even before the 15% Red Card subscription discount, and have found the dispenser in the Up&Up packs to be much better than Kirkland in terms of one-handed grabbing while changing.
Just as an FYI, the company itself doesn't have that type of return policy. I was referring to the baby registry return policy - for example, we had the Brezza on our BuyBuyBaby registry, and if someone (even yourself) purchased the item off the registry, you had a full year to return the item as opposed to the standard 60 days. Think all our registries (BBB, Target, Amazon) offered the 1 year return window. Basically if there were items we wanted but didn't necessarily register for, we still added it to the registry after-the-fact and purchased it for ourselves to have that nice long return window.

Indeed the rental option is nice. Wife's cousin did that on their third kid and her testimony is what got it on the radar for us. We were planning on waiting for the 30% off sale as we're on the first kid and plan to have a couple more, so spreading the money out across 2 or 3 kids made purchasing easier to stomach. Receiving it as a gift from the inlaws was a very welcomed surprise, especially to our checking account!

We were told by many friends and family to make sure to evaluate all diaper options before committing to a massive box of any brand. We've come to love the Target Up&Up diapers. They are (of course) noticeably cheaper in quality vs Huggies, Pampers, or Kirkland, but are 10 cents a diaper with the Red Card 15% subscription discount, which is 60% cheaper than Huggies and Pampers (which average between 21 and 24 cents each) and 38% cheaper than Kirkland (which are 16 cents each.) We've only had one blow out so far and it was so bad that there is no way any brand would have been able to hang on. We've been limited to newborn and size 1 so far (Kirkland doesn't even make newborn size which is odd) but haven't had any issues with Up&Up and the savings is MASSIVE! Same goes for their diaper wipes - signficiantly cheaper per wipe then even Kirkland, even before the 15% Red Card subscription discount, and have found the dispenser in the Up&Up packs to be much better than Kirkland in terms of one-handed grabbing while changing.
This is VERY good info! I know Target also runs a lot of sales where if you spend X amount of money on diapers you get a $25 gift card. We plan on taking advantage of that deal as well.
I will also add that when the babies are younger and NOT crawling we where able to use the cheaper non name brand diapers. Once on solid foods though and crawling they would NOT hold anything. At that point is when we switched to pamppers/huggies/costco
I will also add that when the babies are younger and NOT crawling we where able to use the cheaper non name brand diapers. Once on solid foods though and crawling they would NOT hold anything. At that point is when we switched to pamppers/huggies/costco

A very good point! We're only through the first couple months so all could change once the little guy is mobile.
A very good point! We're only through the first couple months so all could change once the little guy is mobile.

While young totally stick to up&up and Luvs. We sure did. Plus they go to the bathroom so much at that younger age you are going through a lot of diapers. Once on solid foods and mobile the amount of diaper changes goes WAY down. So using the name brand is more about keeping the waste in the diaper.
We strictly used Pampers. Anything else we tried leaked! AND NO ONE WANTS LEAKY DIAPERS!!!

Also, for burp cloths..... cloth diapers work really well as they are thick and absorbent. If you use something thin, spit up will leak through and still get on your shirt.
So you will be out shopping (maybe when corona slows down?) and your wife will say “oh isn’t this a cute outfit, we need to get it for our little bundle of joy” .... even though that little bundle of joy will literally have more clothes than you have collectively EVER owned in your entire life.... your only response ever should be “yes dear”.
Also, for burp cloths..... cloth diapers work really well as they are thick and absorbent. If you use something thin, spit up will leak through and still get on your shirt.

THIS is extremely a good point! They where my favorite burp cloths! Plus you buy the gerber brand they are really cheap!
Also, for burp cloths..... cloth diapers work really well as they are thick and absorbent. If you use something thin, spit up will leak through and still get on your shirt.

+1 - we got multiple packs of cloth diapers for this exact reason on recommendations by many, and it has worked flawlessly.
So you will be out shopping (maybe when corona slows down?) and your wife will say “oh isn’t this a cute outfit, we need to get it for our little bundle of joy” .... even though that little bundle of joy will literally have more clothes than you have collectively EVER owned in your entire life.... your only response ever should be “yes dear”.
Believe me...this has already begun! 🤪
Just SOME of the clothes already purchased by the wife off of Zulily and similar sites, as well as purchased by the grandmas and an aunt...


I anticipate the collection to get much larger.
And forget the "newborn" size clothes. If they ever fit, it's like for 2 weeks and you're on to the next size.
Heh, I was going to say the positive of all this is almost any shaving purchase will get lost in the flood of baby stuff.