The Shaving Cadre

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The Travel Channel

Do you know how they decided which country and/or park to go to?

Her brother was on a church mission in Kenya, and she went to visit for a couple weeks. But I am not sure what park they visited off the top of my head.
Kenya and Tanzania are the 2 countries I’d start with for safaris.
I’d go anywhere as long as I could shoot some cool guns (old school elephant rifle anyone)! And no, not at animals
So my flight reservation lists my first and middle names as one word with no space. The travel website's customer service says it's fine and won't cause a problem. Should I believe them?
So my flight reservation lists my first and middle names as one word with no space. The travel website's customer service says it's fine and won't cause a problem. Should I believe them?
Domestic should be fine. International maybe