The Shaving Cadre

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The Mystery Traveling Box

I told you we shook his confidence in us. Now he's uncertain if this is the real box or a cleverly disguised faux box that morphs into another fake box when he's sleeping......we may have overshot the mark on our prank.
Well, with Sunday coming up, earlier this morning I invited FlatSpider and his brother to services, they politely declined. Instead they said they’d still like to see the campus and tag along for some work!

This is Fremont Pre in Sacramento, CA. We’re right next to the Sac State campus, on the corner of Carlson and H.
We’re having our Christmas concert soon and your welcome to come enjoy for free if you’re in the area! Always a packed house, but we’ve never had to turn anyone away yet!

One of our most notable exterior features, besides the body of the sanctuary building, is the McAulay Tower.
The inside seats well over one thousand people (on a main floor and also a balcony area) and is home to one of the largest (if not the largest) full pipe organs this side of the Mississippi.
The pipe organ is another defining feature of Fremont’s main sanctuary space, as you can see.

While I went to go find the official info on the organ, FlatSpider and his brother were off investigating in a flash. After almost reporting them to Missing Persons, I finally found them crawling around some of the inner workings of the structure.
The organ is fed air by a monster Oud maze of ducts, pumps, and valves.
These run back and forth the entire length of the sanctuary building, because the organ has pipes both up at the front of the building and also behind, up in the balcony area.

Here’s the official info:
It sure is something else to get to hear it played in person! Even Captain Nemo would be envious of this thing! Unfortunately the organist was not in today though.
During a break we checked out the rest of the campus really quickly, it sits on a handful of acres.

Here you can see the offices, the Sanctuary is there in the background, on the right.
Next to the offices is the Community Life Center. The CLC is where we hold our more modern services, youth rooms, and our basketball and volleyball leagues also happen here.
The campus also hosts a preschool on the other side, opposite of the offices, but there were some kids still out, so we couldn’t snap photos.
Later this afternoon, the FlatSpider brothers gave an impassioned, impromptu sermon on the good news of traditional shaving and the virtues of stropping your brush...unfortunately their message fell on no ears...
