November 13, 2021
Pils 101NL
Shavemac “Beagle” with 2 Band Silvertip
Antica Barbieria Colla Hard Shave Soap
Barberry Coast Havana Aftershave
Happy Saturday and good morning everyone. A couple of new additions making their debut today. I made the mistake of browsing through all the various BST threads on different forums and saw this little Shavemac Beage for sale. Turns out to be from a group buy and the handle is a homage to the Simpson Eagle. I have always admired the Eagle and the Paladin Moe handle shape so I jumped on this brush. I can say the handle shape is very nice in use. I am a big fan of Shavemac knots in general. This is my first time using their 2 band silvertip and I am impressed. It does not have the backbone of the D01 2 band but it feels fantastic while face lathering. The Pils delivered another drama free 3 pass shave. Operator error let the baby escape but that's not all bad.
@Scuttlesoap , Brian, gave such an enticing description of the Havana aftershave I was fully enabled. When I received an email with 40% off code, I knew immediately what I was ordering. The scent is very nice and well blended as Brian indicated. I get the rum and tobacco but I also pick up cocoa beans. This scent is fantastic. A huge plus was the wife's seal of approval. Thanks for the enabling Brian. I have a few items on the honey do list before settling into watch some college football this afternoon. I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday.