The Shaving Cadre

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The Garden 2020

Garden is still producing. This is one day's harvest:



Ghost Peppers


Habaneros (mostly, a few cherry bombs and ghost sin there too.)


Bell Peppers


Made a bunch of salsa and tomato sauce already. Going to be making hot sauce soon.
Dang dude! That's way better than all those weeds from last year.
At the end of the season, we nearly always ended up with bushels of tomato’s. Mom would fry up the red tomato’s dredged in flour and we would have creamed chipped beef over the tomato’s and toast. Haven’t thought about that in a while! Thank you for reminding me. Headed off to the grocery store. The tomato’s are kind of fragile when prepared this way, but completely worth the care!
Our generic hot sauce recipe:
- minced peppers (bbq roasted or fresh, either is good but I prefer the roasted)
- minced garlic
- vinegar
- a tiny tiny pinch of salt
I recently charred my peppers, tossed them, minus stems, into some hot peppa sauce vinegar that had some jalapeno slices into it, and kind of like woodpushers recipe, i blended it thick (no gums needed), turned out great.'s 2021 and I realize that this thread is for the previous year. But who is getting their garden's ready? I personally am kind of excited to get mine in order. I will be starting from scratch as my last garden two years ago bit it. And I tossed everything. So...this year I need to bring in soil and timber and of course what I want to plant. Might get a jump on things and actually build a new garden box this weekend. So...what are you guys doing!
I’m planting a hand of ginger in a pot. The rest of the way around the house we will have large potted flowers (artificials always look perfect)