The Shaving Cadre

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The Garden 2020

Some good looking veggies there KJ! I regret not getting a garden in this year. Just a lot going on. Next spring is on! I might try getting a fall or winter garden in thus year...but with the baby coming I won't likely get to it. But the wife and I have already discussed that a garden is essential next year!
I am definitly doing that weed barrier that you did KJ. Any links by chance to what you picked up? Weeds are bad this year here!
Any links by chance to what you picked up?
I bought it on Amazon. It’s just called ground cover or sometimes landscape fabric. You can get it anywhere that has a garden center. It just depends on how much you need. I got 2 - 300ft long rolls. For what I needed Amazon was cheaper. But what I bought is $40 more expensive per roll now. You just have to shop around.
Your gonna have a very full pantry/freezer this yeah KJ! You end up planting anything hotter than the Habaneros?
Over the last week to week and a half, our figs have finally started plumping and browning. So good. Their natural sweetness is perfect!
Peas have been doing great too!
Tomatoes have always been a proven producer (even though they’re heck of annoying in their proliferation).