The Shaving Cadre

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The Bucket List

So just a few things I have done.

Watched both my children be born one cesarean and one natural
Have lost over 100 pounds of weight
Met two US presidents
Met two US Supreme Court Justices
Presented arguments in front of the Texas State Supreme Court
Took 1st place in State Debate 4 years in a row and attended Nationals where I took 3rd
Officiated first playoff HS Football game in year 3 where the norm is year 7
This upcoming season I will be running my own crew and will be the youngest official in the state of Utah to do so
Won a contest where I was able to sit on press row for a season of the Utah Starzz WNBA team for every home game
Have vacationed in 46/50 states
Graduated HS with a bachelor's Degree in Math
Graduated College with bachelor's Pre-law degree emphasis in business, minor in criminal justice
Dropped out of law school, then obtained MBA

Those are just a few that I feel are pretty unique.

My remaining bucket list is honestly to just be the best dad and husband possible, if i can achieve those two things I bet the experiences that come along the way will make its way up on the above list.
Been thinking about this for a bit and I have a few things I can list

Watched both my kids born, also 1 cesarean and 1 natural(I cut the umbilical on this one)

Placed 6th in the state of Arizona in wrestling my junior year and won my region. Took 2nd in the region and 1 win away from placing in state my senior year while competing with an injured knee

Swam 100 yards on one breath i2

Swam 100 yards in 56 seconds at state my senior year.

Swam the 200 medley, 500 yard, medley relay, and 4x100 relay at state my junior and senior years

Snow boarded in the Arizona white mountains

Water skied on a lake in Oklahoma

Had and rode horses

Raised beef cows

As far as things I'd like to do,

See the British Isles

See the northern lights

Go snorkeling at a reef
Haven't put too much thought into this as I've just stumbled on this thread, but so far here's some things I've done.

Watched my 4 kids being born.
Watched someone die (my Grandfather, peacefully, I was holding his hands when he passed).
Piloted an airplane (Cessna 172, I have my private pilot's license). Also "piloted" a Military T-37 and C-12.
Flew in a Hot Air Balloon (my Dad used to Pilot them).
Driven a motorcycle.
Skydived (static line).
Scuba Dived.
Grown my own food in a garden.
Travelled outside CONUS (Canada, Mexico, Guam, Hawaii, Africa, Afghanistan, and 2 hours in the Airport in Japan).
Watched the Sunset on the ocean, and over the Grand Canyon.

On my future Bucket list:
Travel to (England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia)
Go on a Cruise
Attend Culinary school
Skydive (freefall)

I'll think about some more things later....
That’s the kind of response I was thinking of. Stuff that is unique in your life ...even if an outsider my find the experience mundane or everyday. Flying a plane is unique and something few have done BUT there are those that fly everyday. Cool stuff.

I think if I tried some of that stuff it’d be “ I puked my guts off in a hot air balloon” “ I fell down a rock face with a rock attached to me””skydived....well, I THINK I did, I blacked out when the plane door opened and came to on the ground and my hair was messed up”
Having read and briefly reflected on my life I find my life wasn’t quite so exciting as I lived it, but still had some neat things that were pretty neat. In no particular order:

I’ve been published in several trade journals
I’ve been a hand model
I watched the Sun rise from the top of Mt. Fuji.
I’ve eaten bait shrimp because they were cheap
I watched the very first transactions go through on a newly branded credit card
Ive been appointed a Kentucky Colonel
I’m an Eagle Scout
I’ve eaten something I caught and killed
I was first in line in my hometown to sign up for the draft and crossed a picket line to do so
I soon up to a General officer, quoting chapter and verse (and had to write a memo of regret)
I got activated to go to war, but got turned back on the way there
Wrote The eulogies for both of my parents.
Placed my mother in the earth.

I still want to:
See the northern lights, and/or southern lights.
Eat stone crab claws until I don’t want any more
Visit Europe for more than a stopover
Attend the Kentucky Derby
Buy a new car without compromises
Hold a grand baby or two

Some are easy, others not so much.
@CBLindsay I’m the worst at motion sickness and a hot air balloon is a piece of cake. Since you’re moving with the wind it doesn’t really feel like you’re moving. Go for it!
I would like to know more as well please.
I wrote for a trade publication for golf club building and repairs. When we made illustrations or took pictures of product, my skin tone worked better than the other guys I guess. I’ll post some pictures when I locate them.
You guys have done some really cool stuff.

I don't think I've really done that much at all. I know some of you guys think things like walking on tiny little beams way up in the air, operating a crane, or rigging up and lifting a 390,000 pound compressor unit is somewhat extreme, but it's just every day stuff to me.
Closest I've come to any world traveling is going to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Never went to college. (Probably only barely passed high school....) Can't remember ever meeting anyone famous. Never played sports. Heck, I've never even been in an airplane.

My only meager accomplishments that I can think of are teaching myself to forge somewhat decent blades.
Working and training to hit an expert level at defensive pistol shooting, becoming an instructor, and eventually starting/running a small defensive pistol league.
I did manage to get published a couple times for my photography, but only small publications. Nothing major.
I was an EMT and firefighter for a while, but only volunteer not professionally.
Oh, and I cut a finger off... That was pretty cool haha.

As for things on my bucket (wish) list...
I'd like to get good enough at knifemaking to make it my real job.
I'd like to have a shop big enough with the right tools in to actually do some real work in.
I would really like to go on a tour of the Okavango Delta.
I would also really like to go to Japan and see some of the country, Tamahagane being smelted, and get to spend some time with at least one of the few swordsmiths left.
Having the time and money to spend some time training under Jay Neilson and also Mareko Maumasi.
I know some of you guys think things like walking on tiny little beams way up in the air, operating a crane, or rigging up and lifting a 390,000 pound compressor unit is somewhat extreme, but it's just every day stuff to me.
That stuff is all awesome, and if you read Chris’ response to my post, that’s exactly the type of responses he’s looking for!
You guys have done some really cool stuff.

I don't think I've really done that much at all. I know some of you guys think things like walking on tiny little beams way up in the air, operating a crane, or rigging up and lifting a 390,000 pound compressor unit is somewhat extreme, but it's just every day stuff to me.
Closest I've come to any world traveling is going to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Never went to college. (Probably only barely passed high school....) Can't remember ever meeting anyone famous. Never played sports. Heck, I've never even been in an airplane.

My only meager accomplishments that I can think of are teaching myself to forge somewhat decent blades.
Working and training to hit an expert level at defensive pistol shooting, becoming an instructor, and eventually starting/running a small defensive pistol league.
I did manage to get published a couple times for my photography, but only small publications. Nothing major.
I was an EMT and firefighter for a while, but only volunteer not professionally.
Oh, and I cut a finger off... That was pretty cool haha.

As for things on my bucket (wish) list...
I'd like to get good enough at knifemaking to make it my real job.
I'd like to have a shop big enough with the right tools in to actually do some real work in.
I would really like to go on a tour of the Okavango Delta.
I would also really like to go to Japan and see some of the country, Tamahagane being smelted, and get to spend some time with at least one of the few swordsmiths left.
Having the time and money to spend some time training under Jay Neilson and also Mareko Maumasi.

I think your list is pretty cool! Things I’ll never attain, and too late to try.