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The Bucket List


I Blame Dave
Recent life events have had me thinking more about my "Bucket List" and the things I have done that I should or other's might consider as having been bucket list worthy. Reflecting on my life I have identified many things to be proud of or accomplishments to celebrate but that's not what I'm think here. I talking about those things you've done that are unique and outside the typical. Things that may have changed your life, changed others lives, provided new perspective or insight ...or just plain left you saying "that was different". Bucket lists are typically something you plan or hope for, I'm thinking of things you've done or been part of that were less part of the plan and more part of the experience life has dealt you.

So inspire me, what has life given you that I might want to put on my bucket list (or use as fodder for your eulogy some day)?
Wow Mr soap man. It seems like you're looking for things a little deep than places you need to visit or experiences you can pay for. I'm interested in what others come up with, because my first thoughts are those things that seem to happen because of the circumstances you're in as opposed to putting yourself into the circumstance.
I am working on making a more formal list but I figured I would share a few of the things on my "Been there, done that" list. These are "hold my beer, watch this" moments but I'm sure a few of those moments qualify to be on the list as well.

started my own business(s)
Mades soap, razors brushes
Honed and used straight razors (never really thought I would shave with a straight or make my own soap so these things are on the list)
Seen babies born (both ways)
Seen people die (peacefully and traumatically)
Done CPR and provided other first aid
Drawn blood samples from a full sized pig (volkswagen beetle) ...and rode that same pig.
Knocked a horse over
Superglued my lip to my nose, my goatee to my cheek and my shirt to my chest
Sat in a chair in the US Senate and House ...provided "testimony" in Senate chambers
Run for office (twice)..had Karl Rove "fundraise" for me.

I've tasted rare and/or expensive wines, bourbon and coffee.
Just recently I roasted up and brewed some kopi luwak coffee.

Not necessarily exciting but all unique experiences.
Wow Mr soap man. It seems like you're looking for things a little deep than places you need to visit or experiences you can pay for. I'm interested in what others come up with, because my first thoughts are those things that seem to happen because of the circumstances you're in as opposed to putting yourself into the circumstance.
That's kind of what I'm thinking, I am sure you have seen and done some unique stuff as a nurse. Those things might be routine or somewhat common for the job but are still unique life experiences. Working in the hospitals over the years I've seen OD's, been exposed to meningitis and other unique or exotic stuff, all stuff that was "part of the job" but when reflecting back they are part of some the more exciting stories we will tell others.
My bucket list is much more simple, yet also much more difficult at the same time.
- Make a positive impact on someone's life

Given limits on time and energy, that can't be done for everyone. And then the are those who (after getting to know them) are simply energy-sucks and users are not worth the effort. However, for those that end up bonding with me, I go out of my way to assist.
So I guess more of a combo list. Unique things. Some others could do if they wish, some that you likely wouldn't.

I'll throw out what comes to mind.

Used leeches for medical reasons.
Swam with sharks in the open ocean
Stayed in an over-the-water bungalow with a window in the floor and stairs to the ocean
Learned to ski in Colorado without poles wearing blue jeans.
Flew off the road on a motorcycle going 55mph.
Shaved with a straight razor. Hey! Most people haven't!
Wrestled with EMTs to get someone into 4 point leather restraints.
Assisted with a surgery.
Seen burnt tissue being sawed off a leg with a tool that looked like a samurai sword.
Laid on a bed suspended by chains, eating fresh coconut with lime and salt, watching the ocean with a blank mind.
Gotten a thank you call from I teen I cared for that should not have survived a gun shot to the head.
Been the only person on deck of a cruise ship watching the sun rise.
Enjoyed food prepared by masters that makes you realize there are tastes you have not even thought of.
Growing up, my Dad used to push self evaluation with the “are you satisfied with that?” line. When the scrolls are unfurled, I want to be satisfied with the life scribed on it. But still had some kicks doing it.
I would like to take SWMBO to Africa, Asia, and Australia, but that's not a deal/life-breaker for me. Although a year-long world cruise would be something that I am up for (and have already mentioned to her!)
Geez this is deep. I feel like I am too young to answer this question but I will put together a list of things I have done and provide the answer later today or tomorrow.
Geez this is deep. I feel like I am too young to answer this question but I will put together a list of things I have done and provide the answer later today or tomorrow.
It's never too young to reflect on the unique experiences BUT I will say, what you think is unique now my pale in comparison to what you find unique when you are Dave's age. Not that the unique experiences of the past aren't important in forming your view on life, just that there always seems to be more ahead of us than behind us.

Like @NurseDave I have been part of or seen some unique medical events. For me what made those events most unique is that I was (as Dave said) put in the position rather than put myself in the position. I think that is a common theme for some of the best stories, because of choices YOU made leading up to an event life hands you an outcome you would not have expected or had not fully realized was a potential outcome.
It's never too young to reflect on the unique experiences BUT I will say, what you think is unique now my pale in comparison to what you find unique when you are Dave's age.
LOL!!! Nicely done.
That stuff should be personal. I mean, what would you like, what you never had time... Do you regret something? For me personaly, I think a man should have his relations with other people in order. To say what you want to say to everyone that maters. Other than that, plant some trees, write a book 🙂
That stuff should be personal. I mean, what would you like, what you never had time... Do you regret something? For me personaly, I think a man should have his relations with other people in order. To say what you want to say to everyone that maters. Other than that, plant some trees, write a book 🙂
Writing and getting a book published is a unique idea. With internet publishing available now getting books published isn’t as difficult as it was many years ago. I have a friend who wrote 2 very good books about his time as a military pilot and other flying stuff. He self published and has flown to small airports promoting his book. I bought a few copies, even gave one to a couple members of the cadre.
Haven't put too much thought into this as I've just stumbled on this thread, but so far here's some things I've done.

Watched my 4 kids being born.
Watched someone die (my Grandfather, peacefully, I was holding his hands when he passed).
Piloted an airplane (Cessna 172, I have my private pilot's license). Also "piloted" a Military T-37 and C-12.
Flew in a Hot Air Balloon (my Dad used to Pilot them).
Driven a motorcycle.
Skydived (static line).
Scuba Dived.
Grown my own food in a garden.
Travelled outside CONUS (Canada, Mexico, Guam, Hawaii, Africa, Afghanistan, and 2 hours in the Airport in Japan).
Watched the Sunset on the ocean, and over the Grand Canyon.

On my future Bucket list:
Travel to (England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia)
Go on a Cruise
Attend Culinary school
Skydive (freefall)

I'll think about some more things later....
@Spider I don't know that I need culinary school, but I should would like to feel comfortable cooking things with more than 4 ingredients